English Moon

New Moon April 16 2018

We bring the new Lunar Month,
16APR-15MAY, announcing
tides full of information.

Lunar Month Phases (UT)
New APR 16 01:57
Crescent APR 22 21:46
Full APR 30 00:58
Waxing MAY 08 02:09

Excess of energies, accelerations,
and lots of tension from last
Lunar Phase turn us restless.

However, we feel that after
so many efforts, we are
still at the starting point.

Those are the Lunar Month’s
sensations of stagnation
and discouragement in emotions.

Geocentric Tides:
Apparent Delays

The apparent conjunction of
Uranus with the Moon disappoints
as results are not seen yet.

Trying to force the situation
with Saturn, Pluto and Mars
does not work.

Venus takes the reigns.

Heliocentric Tides:
Transfers Activated

She has them for five long
Moons and still will this
and next Lunar Month.

On this New Moon, Venus along
with Uranus, Saturn and Earth
drive the activated transfers.

What will be transferred?
Missing information so
results start dawning.

This Lunar Month will bath us
with defining information,
external as well as internal.

The key is patience before
impatience and pay attention
to information received.

Before we leave, a list
of all Lunar and Solar
Phases from Venus mission:

18NOV 2017: New Versions
18DEC 2017: Explosive Airs
21DEC 2017: Floating Winds
17JAN 2018: Ductile Opening
31JAN 2018: Fusions Eclipse
03FEB 2018: Magnetic Reconnections
15FEB 2018: Galactic Attunements
15FEB 2018: Invisibilities Eclipse
17MAR 2018: Excess of Energies

We’ll be back for the Full Moon.