English Moon

New Moon 18 November 2017

We bring the New Moon on the 18th (06:31 TU).

If we could see the running tides, we would see the Solar System and
other places not included yet, as a spacecraft turning on all its
multicoloured lights and full gear to ingress us into the new versions.

That’s this Lunar Month: incoming new versions. Light years away from
what was. Variations’ results from Pluto’s job along with Chiron and Jupiter.
We’ll remain in this world, even if it’s another, with the new versions.

The Earth, and therefore us, continues its regeneration labour along with Mars
under the orders of Pluto: restoring, reestablishing, renewing,
recovering… healing. They also end up in new versions of what was.

Saturn, the Lord of Times and its Spaces, tries to take advantage of his visit
into the Galactic Centre’ spheres, claiming an alliance with Chiron (as solution)
and charging along with Mars (by force), pretending he’s still in power.

The influence of these Saturnine pretensions is strong. They’ll be seen from Earth,
where appearances prevail. It’s easy to distinguish. New versions claim not to have
power. They just act. Alliances make demonstrations of power, simulate to have it.

Supposed purges to clean power send to jail but regenerate no causes.
This Lunar Month has nothing to do with healing power. It’s about
the new versions incoming with a quantum leap and at full gear.

Out of the global level and into the individual one, avoiding suspicion and
impulsive reactions, running with the incoming tides into the new versions,
it’s possible to find the full power giving a new sense to the days.

We’ll be back for the Full Moon when rules for the new versions shall manifest.

The billboard of tides:

Solar Phase – Variations (7 NOV to 20 DEC aprox)
Eclipses Emanations – 2017: Neutralizing (7AUG) and Empowerment (21 AUG); 2018: Fusions (21 JAN) and Invisibilities (FEB 5)

Dispositions from the Giants (heliocentric) – New Versions
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric) – Simulations

Sensations – Suspicious
Emotions – Impulsive

Phases of the Lunar Month in Universal Time (TU):

New Moon 18 NOV 06:31  | Crescent Moon 26 NOV 17:03
Full Moon   03 DEC 15:47   | Waxing Moon     10 DEC 20:37