English Wheel of Life

Solstice 21 December 2017


Untwisting the spherical chest sparkles; northerners
restart the spin, southerners start the return.
Solstice, ardent, sustains arduous and subtly.

Among the dancing fires, of all and each
molecule the flying winds sustain.
The shires of the air honour their presence.

About writing history, they will not. Though they
will avoid it ends up torn apart. Swaying it fully
those winds will entangle it by floating. Blowing.

Stone isles, floating of course,
will come out of immobility with their support.
As well as from fascination and numbness.

Phase of floating winds bestowing support,
it’s about sustaining, to maintain all parts
linked, entire although scattered. Floating.

Venus is already in the future. Next phase. Entangling
the molecules with floating winds. Adrift remains none.
We shall arrive there with all molecules. Floating.


This Solar Phase goes approximately from 21st. December to 2nd. February, and started under the New Moon on 18th. December.
Southern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice | Reproduction  | Litha
Northern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice | Rebirth | Yule

We arrive at the Solstice on 21st. December at 16:28 UT