English Luna Moon

New Moon January 23, 2012 | Another Tone, Other Dimensions

Emanations, triads, tones taking us to other vibrations and dimensions in daily life

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 17 | Día Solar: 214 | Día Lunar: 28 | Gregoriano: 20/1/12

Greetings. Before we proceed, a walk through SOPA and PIPA, law projects in USA that if approved will apply censorship on internet, where frontiers are not as clear as those of political administrative maps and affect us all. Global manifestation day was on the 18th opposing these censorship projects. Here some links to help us realize how they affect everyone:

Attempts seen as emanations from the November 25 2011 eclipse and on its Historical Cyclical Patterns looking for Power Reconcentration and Re-centralization.


The New Lunar Month (Jan23-Feb20) with cosmic and earthly events:
January: 23 New Moon 07:39 UT (On this New Moon starts the Chinese New Year of the Dragon)  | 24 Feria de Alasitas in La Paz
February: 2 Feast of the Q’ota Mama in Copacabana |4 New Solar Phase: South Regeneration, North: Fecundation |7 Full Moon 21:54 UT | Carnival (Bolivia and Brasil 17-21, although celebrations vary according to the place since the end of January)

A turning month, even danced, with the seal of the Triad (Number Three, Triads and LIfe’s Triplicity) speaking to us to watch life recreating herself again, marking where she is, pointing how to follow her,marking the beat 1, 2, 3; the frequency 3=9 and its vibration in 3x3x3.

1st. Triad: Triads in Signs, Cosmic Movements and the Moon

  • All cosmic movements for this Moon acting in triads
  • All signs and perceptions receive intensities in triplicate
  • The Moon will be turned thrice in the same Lunar Month

2nd. Triad: Sensorial Triads | Drawn in Heavens
Since last Solstice we had drawn in heavens The Open Seal announcing we would Encounter our Antiquity, for the New Solar Phase which will start on February 4, we will have Sensorial Triads already taking shape in this New Moon, besides showing us which are active and reproducing the vibration 3x3x3:

  1. jaw | lips | nose – when we have a strong impression or too much cold, we have a trembling jaw and lips and breathing becomes irregular;
  2. eyebrows | eyelids | eyes – when we see something amazing, we raise the eyebrows, stretch the eyelids and eyes popping out;
  3. hair | cerebral cortex | spine – when we perceive something that make us shiver, sensations run through the hair, cerebral cortex and the spine.

Sensorial Triads, as numerous as the reasons that activate them, reflect perceptions we have on physical bodies, involving three spaces. Those three announced in heavens do not necessarily act out of cold, impression or shivering, those are the reactions to which we are used to, since we do not regard the causes for we are ‘educated’ not to pay them any attention. It’s a good opportunity to remember how they work, what do they react to, and how to use them in order to recognize cosmic sings showing us where vibrations will be goign through during the new Solar phase.

Dispositions from the Solar Giants

3rd. Triad: Weaving A Triadic Tone
If we wouldn’t have forgotten Sensorial Triads, neither would we have forgotten tones woven in our and other cosmic spaces, giving shape to the warp we live, above, in spite of and originating the great historical events we register, as well as those in our lives.

Those tones add a different dimension to life, it’s one but it’s three, it’s one but appears as nine. It’s life giving birth a fractality of herself, singing for her movements are in tones, and this one we already saw coming due to current narrow ones did not let new movements to settle.

Didn’t we feel we needed a new world, a new dimension where to settle new visions, new languages, new movements, new beings, new sciences, new geographies? But above them all and providing them with life, the new sensibilities. There we have the new Triadic Tone among and with us, with new colours, intensities, frequencies, vibrations, numbers, movements…

And in daily life it’s seen as a new dimension taken into account, a new vision of life, a new vision incorporating seen and unseen elements, new paradigms, new thoughts. It’s that Triadic Tone that is weaving right now among Mercury, Uranus and Earth around the Sun. Do not confuse with those of the transition from the last decades which are only consequences, this Triadic Tone is unique, original and free of any master.

4th Triad: Triadic Tone’s Space
The Triadic Tone is shaping itself to locate its space in physical worlds, through Saturn, Jupiter and Venus together, around the Earth (therefore, around us). That’s where it will manifest, between the daily clock and what we attract without expecting it.

5th. Triad: Triadic Tone’s Element
To say just the Earth means many spaces, including the air, but above all the 71% of water covering its surface… that’s where transformations for the New Triadic Tone are pointing to from Neptune and Pluto over the Earth.

6th. Triad: The Three Roles of the Earth while the Triadic Tone is weaved, present in the third, fourth and fifth triad, and therefore our roles for we are traveling on her.


Dispositions since form the Earth

7th. Triad: Separations
Open a new space for the Triadic Tone also implies opening spaces qhere before there were none and introducing Separations where until now was adjoining. And from the Earth, where we will be seeing the consequences of the Triadic Tone and not its birth, we will know through where it’s coming in around us looking at these Separations.

Consider these Separations with a wide meaning, as the door that multiplies life and expands its scope. Space rearrangement, whether they are physical or invisible, obviously find resistance and this could distorsion the potentialities of the Triadic Tone, activating disproportionately Possession Attacks, so typical of them, always defending what they never owned and it’s borrowed, and in any case, if it feels ‘owned’ they surely are spaces usurped from others.

Likewise, since the space on Earth are waters, active conflicts on the seas making the  headlines, of course we did not need to look into the skies to know that, but we do need to look at them from the Triadic Tone and its disproportionate possession atacks: Malvinas, Ormuz Straight…

8th. Triad: Activations
But drums of war are rather forced and they will not have the favours of Mars, the God of War, who is very busy activating rearranged spaces with tempting opportunities along with Jupiter and Lilith; beneficial trips with Neptune and Chiron; and bringing situations to light in order to avoid conflict with the Sun and the Moon.

9th. Triad: Serenities
Extremely obstinate resistances may save themselves from self-annihilation rearranging their spaces so as not to loose everything and remaining part of new spaces. Plan B comes from Saturn, the Lord of Times, who with Neptune abate waters; with Chiron soothes fires and with Venus channels possibilities.

Emanations from the Moon

10th. Triad: Turning Lunar Month
This Lunar Month will be turned abruptly three times and on each one different moments will be lived at the emotional level.

  • New Moon (Jan 23): Intensely Perceptive
  • New Solar Phase /Feb 4): Obstinately Excited
  • Luna Llena (Feb 7): ingeniously fighters

11th. Triad: Triplicate Intensities

The Moon brings in the ingredients for our emotions, this time triplicates emotions intensities since Triadic Tone activates perceptions through emotions as well as Separations which are just sensations of not being somewhere anymore or being in a new place. Add to that, the Moon tides which will have us rather sensitive.

12th. Triad: Intensely Perceptive

New Moon will be emanating extreme Sensibilities, however they will be put aside due to three greater mandates: Separations disturb comforts and introduce uncertainties which turn Sensibilities into insecurities; Possession Attacks give no time to perceive and leave Sensibilities as problematic impulses; the Triadic Tone activates Perceptions through Sensibilities, turing them more into transmitters than in emotions. The last one has the greatest intensity and takes from all possible emotions leading them to perceptions, where not only emotions each person has, but attitudes a person has and world visions, which sometimes can be blurred by prejudice.

It’s possible to keep on numbering triads endlessly, they will be present wherever you look at during the whole Lunar month. Do not look for them, they will cross your roads spontaneously, just be conscious of their presence to understand where life is flowing and you will recognize the Triadic Tone entering the flows of our daily life.

13th. Triad: Triadic Tone, Dragon, Water

Dragon images on this flight do not only refer to Chinese New Year starting on January 23rd New Moon, they are also related to the Triadic Tone and Water, topic for a coming post.

We are here for any question or doubt about the Triadic Tone. Also for those who want to remember how to activate their perceptions.

May you perceive your tones and flow with them!

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