Eclipses and Patterns English

Eclipse November 25 2011 | Historical Cyclical Patterns – Part 1

Historical cyclical patterns | Eclipse November 25 2001 as a way to understand the energies that are surrounding us

The Partial Solar Eclipse on November 25 2011 finds its initial energies the year 1074 and this is an approach to some of its historical cyclical patterns reviewing only years: 1074, 1975, 1993 and 2011. Information on time, duration, visibility and data on SAROS family and other emanations on natual cycles can be found on this link.

As it was done before with this approach, this is not an exhaustive historical review of all events through those dates, rather it tries to reveal patterns on power spheres that have global implications.

Another element of great influence on this eclipse are the three eclipses we had not even six months ago with energies manifesting through Censorship, Power Struggles and Axis Shifting. Start on this link for additional information and on the left column you have a more detailed list.

You can apply these patterns locally and even at the personal level to understand the energies this eclipse will bring for you evocating events in your life with the dates of its return.

Three patterns found on this eclipse emanating Reconcentration:

  • Financial Rescues
  • Territorial Re-colonization
  • Re-centralization of Power

Year 1074: Symonies  and Investitures

In Europe feudal territories had proliferated for more than a century and designated local ecclesiastical authorities, peoples were forcen to give a tribute to ‘feudal lords’ and these last ones on their part responded directly to their local kings, not the papacy which saw its power diminished sharing their ‘divine’ mandates with States and seeing their coffers in trouble.

Power descentralization, now with too many heads had reached proportions and dimensions that were no longer under the control of the Catholic Church. ‘Feudal lords’ considered ecclesiastical authorities their private property and even made profit with them through symonies, selling offices that belonged to church jurisdiction, besides other indulgencies and absolutions which allowed to buy ‘divine’ grace.

The clergymen were not necessarily priests, some were married, many bought not only the church position but also the status reserved exclusively to the ‘noblemen’ and parishes were local entities for tax collection within the feudal domain receiving agricultural tributes and kept religious authorities. Since year 962, the papacy allowed German Emperor Oton I to designate popes.

Corruption was a fact and also a justification so the church could start the crusade for financial recovery. In 1073, the re-centralization of power was started, when Pope Gregory VII introduced cellibacy and in 1074 stronger reforms are established for territorial re-colonization and financial rescues:

  • Sale of ecclesiastical offices was prohibited and also indulgences through symonies
  • The existence of the estate as Providential dispensation was recognized and the co-existence of the church and the State as a divne ordinance, but the superiority of the Church over the Estate was ratified without the right to argue
  • All dispuetes were to be taken to Rome and appeals were to be presented directly to the Pope
  • An encyclic was published absolving people fromm obedience to bishops that allowed married priests and divested themof their income
  • The Pope was the absolute head of the church and was above parishioners, clergymen and bishops, local, regional and national churches, princes and emperors, all of them subdued to the pope
  • Through Dictatus papae it was decreed that the Roman Church was never nor ever will be wrong, besides declaring the authority of the pope to depose emperors

The return of these energies during the last decades regarding the Vatican were not followed, but it was possible to see that in 1975 all possibility for women to exercise priesthood was denied; in 1993 absolute opposition to abortion and parishioners should live according to the precepts of the church; in November 2011 the pope made a trip to Africa and presented bishops with the document “Africae Munus” (The Commitment of Africa) proposing reconciliation. Source

Rather, the cyclical patterns of the eclipse were searched with global impact looking at those who hold power and on that path, the Vatican ceased long ago to have ‘divine’ powers with supremacy over the States and lost many ‘parishioners’, although it did not stop from having presence within big financial flows as corporative tycoons. Yesterday, the German Catholic Church announced they would sell their pronographic publishing company Weltbild with annual sales of 1.6 billion euros. Decided to sell, not stop pronographic publications. Source

For the return of this eclipse in 1975 and 1993, religious motivations and justifications are not present, global economic strategies pointing to financial rescues, territorial re-colonization and re-centralization of power will not have as origin the states, but the empire of corporations that started to debilitate states and vanish any obstacle for the re-concentration of financial flows, as it is exposed in Part 2: Historical Cyclical Patterns | Eclipse November 25 2011.