English Luna Moon

New Moon November 25 2011 and Partial Solar Eclipse

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 13 | Día Solar: 154 | Día Lunar: 27 | Gregoriano: 21/11/11

Greetings. Already bathed like you with the emanations of the eclipse coming this Friday, November 25 and the New Moon that will have us from outburst to outburst during the Lunar month (Nov 25 to Dec 23).

Also, we are still under the Fluctuations from past Full Moon that affected our balance and sense of continuity, as well as the electromagnetic tides returning everything to primordial state. Here the link if you want further details.

It’s difficult to list all natural phenomena and events we are living on the globe, showing us that progress on many aspects have returned to the primordial state, history dissolving over and over again, and this will continue until December 20th, drawn in heavens as the Amber Coccon.

NGC 7822 in Cepheus | Credit: Manuel Fernando Suárez | Click on image to enlarge

But other new flows and tides joined emanations which will stamp the mark of these times. From the Solar System, Restrictions are emanating, in the broadest sense, they could be new limits rising up, obstacles arising, impediments emerging abruptly, events reducing spaces, outreach or consuming them; even acts of sabotage, reprisals and, include those well intentioned that when proceeding do not calculate restrictions imposed on others. Restrictions come through the oppositions between Mas and Venus, and, those of Saturn and Mercury.

Dark Side of the Moon in colours | NASA | Click on image to enlarge

Our planet does not allow Restrictions intimidate her and sees in them the opportunity to continue giving shape to her expectations establishing relationships of mutual strengthening with Mars, Uranus and Venus. And we will be doing this too, maybe unconsciously.

Though we will be conscious of what we will be seeing fom and within the planet: Disputes claiming for postponments and subterfuges, claiming what was offered, agreed and decided. Although Restrictions have the force given by established powers, Reivindications have the force of the times changing existence conditions.

Disputes in planetary dispositions projected by opossitions between Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, Chiron, Lilith and Saturn are the manifested reflection of Restrictions by Solar dispositions. Reivindications are the result of strengthening relationships projected by three trines where Pluto, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Jupiter, Lilith, Neptune and Venus interact. Some of the planets fulfilling many roles and function simultaneously, just like us in the multiplicity and fractality of life.

New Moon will emanate all this, plus her own alchemies that will take emotions to Outsbursts, due to surprising situations, explosive, or driving us crazy. Regarding the last ones, we already know this can happen and we can take measures that will bath us with serenity before reacting.

But that’s not all, we have emanations from the Partial Solar Eclipse with flows of Reconcentration looking to recuperate something lost during decentralization.

The Partial Solar Eclipse for November 25, 2011 will have its greatest intensity at 06:21:24 UT, moment when the moon shadow axis will be just 300 kms ove the Earth’s surface, ner the Antartic coast. It will be visible on high altitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, including South Africa, Antartic, Tasmania and almost all New Zealand. This eclipse belongs to Saros family 123 which returns 70 times and lasts 1, 244.08 years; the first one was on April 29 1074 and the last one will be on May 31 2138. Source

Remembering the return of the eclipses every 18 years with their own peculiarities, we also look for the mark in historical cyclic processes, which we will bring in a couple of hours to understand better the energies returning with this eclipse. Meanwhile, you can start to remember global energies or the ones surrounding your life on the last returns of this eclipse:

  • 1993 November 13
  • 1975 November 3
  • 1957 October 23

While doing it, remember that not too long ago we had the emanations from three eclipses in 30 days, bringing flows of Censorship, Power Struggles and Shifting on the Axis, which are still moving the unfolding processes.

As always, if you need help remembering, you can write to us. For those who have Dorkhyt, remember to synchro at least three times a day so you do not loose the thread to your realities due to recyclings and use the evocator to remember energies returning with this eclipse.