English Luna Moon

New Moon 5 October 2013 | Metamorphosis and Comet ISON

New Lunar month with reality on metamorphosis and tracing a new path

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 5 | Día Solar: 106 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 4/X/2013


Versión en castellano 


New Moon comes at 00:35 UT on this October 5.

We are on the other side, on the other reality the Equinox brought. And we do not want to see it for we are holding on to the one that is no longer. We are still with obfuscated reasoning from last Full Moon (September 29) that gave us obtuse situations to say the least, like the shutdown of the US government, and all those non senses we swallow up for we look from a distance.

Drawn in Heavens > The Metamorphosis

That’s how we start the new Lunar Month, torn between the real inhabiting us but we deny and the unreal we persist on dwelling although it does not exist. Meanwhile in heaven, the Solar giants draw among the shadows a process under metamorphosis, without revealing what’s transforming and into what shall be transformed. It’s the sign to look for from 5 October to 2 November. It’s found when we look not into what something or someone is now, but into what it shall become.



Dispositions from the Solar Giants > Armored Field

Looking for metamorphosis on the Solar vicinity, where we have a visitor putting our judgement under metamorphosis and undergoing itself under metamorphosis during its encounter with Mars which will last for a month, we can try to look what ISON will become.  A comet first of all, then, possibilities expand potentially: planet, solar system, brown dwarf, alien ship, dark sun, part of the our Sun’s binary system, a thousand and one prophecies rolling on, panic on active mode… It looks as if comets were raining, but it’s just ISON.



According to astronomical numbers, ISON will approach Earth and we could see it on naked eye during November and December. But that will happen if ISON survives its approach to the Sun. It’s under metamorphosis, we wait trying to see what it will become. Here an image showing its path until October 15.


UA place with news on ISON on this link and two videos showing ISON:

Meanwhile, Mars, the fiery, received it until now calmly, without reacting until he makes sure what this visit will turn into. Or at least, that’s the information we have until now for with skies covered and many lenses closed, we will need to transport ourselves in order to verify what’s going on.

Anyway, Solar Giants took precautions and the whole zone ISON is going through has been protected by an Armored Field wrapping the constellation (Cancer form the tropical view and Geminis from the sidereal one). This field is emanated by Neptune, Chiron and Venus, reinforced by Jupiter which we can say is close to Mars in the degree wheel and its sealed by Saturn.

This last one, Lord of Times, realizing the force from Earth and Uranus conjunction, called them to manifest the metamorphosis. And, we, travelling on the Earth, are under the same role. The Armored Field reduces damages of the great resistance this metamorphosis brings, on which we are also with the Earth, giving struggle to ourselves, denying to ourselves we are on the other side and in another reality. We have two heads and one body, fighting over supremacy. Apply this to situations in your territory also, you will find more than one and before giving an ‘opinion’, remember the key is to observe what it will become in order to find the path.


Dispositions seen from Earth > New Route

From the Earth, we will see trajectories change path while the Metamorphosis manifests. The final objective is Mars, Venus is taking us there, Jupiter along with Lilith lift the veil to show the real face of things, Uranus presents the new face of metamorphosis, while Mercury and Saturn trace conditions to live it.

Yes, Mars is the planet associated with war, but it’s also the one taking us to act with its force daily. And this time, Mars is not part of the shift taking us into the next dimension or station, but the sign to know where we should go. Mars is approaching Regulus territories, the King, the Hear of the Lion, who gives power or takes it back, ruling by expanding justice. Its emanations are beneficial for majorities and links with what we forget: look more at ourselves to decide our lives and less to the spectacle conjured by ‘leaders’, looking for mechanisms that allow us to ‘regulate’ our lives. Govern ourselves.

The new route this Lunar Month is taking us to that, ‘regulate’ exacerbated conditions. And the shift to that route is introduced by Lilith and Jupiter lifting the veil and Uranus with the Sun giving us the ingredients to balance on the other side reality, where we are already.

Time of deceiving and manipulations is over. Realities without make up will be on the air and denounces will abound, as well as instigations. More than one will loose its power ‘seat’. And on heaven, we will see not only a giant walking as in the last Solar stretch, also heavens until now veiled, populated heavens, heavens with traffic, heavens without clouds, heavens without photoshop…


Emanations from the Moon > Seriously Lucid

Tides that brought the Obfuscated Reasoning last month and gave us a hole in the stomach during last Full Moon has taken a 180º shift. Now we are bathed by Lunar tides seriously lucid, so much that before following instinct they are cautious, to the extreme of opposing first of all metamorphosis, change, new path. This is due to fear sown that have done considerable damage. But in another shift of 90º they recover lucidity and take us to trace lucid routes, moving our parts to the other side and living this other reality with the seriousness life deserves.

This month we are also navigating toward the eclipse on October 18 and we will bring it with the Full Moon.

Until then, may we leave behind coercion and be ourselves!

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