English Luna Moon

Full Moon 19 September 2013 | From The Other Side

The Moon a little obfuscated, but the Equinox gives us back our worlds

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 4 | Día Solar: 88 | Día Lunar: 11 | Gregoriano: 16/IX/2013


Versión en castellano 

 Read previously last New Moon on September 5

Arriving with Full Moon on September 19 (11:13 UT) and towards the Equinox on September 22 (20:44 UT).

Since we were here already (déjà vu), time is standing still apparently.

Meanwhile, heavens are drawing a reversed image of this world, we are already looking at ourselves from the other side.




Coming and going throughout times due to déjà vus, worlds are in reversal (interactions among Mars, Mercury and Earth), reflecting us reverted; placing us from the other side, from the other world, from the reverted image.

Considering we come from living the encounter of three worlds, plus the triangulation of times and sequences were distorted, to look at ourselves from the other side sounds confusing. Try to act from a mirror where the image is reverted.

The three merged worlds now have their portals strongly crisscrossed (interactions among Venus, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars), and also highly tense due to influences from Mercury and Neptune, as well as the resistance with an agenda of their own (Uranus), all against the triangulation of times.




All worlds crisscrossed, sooner or later will go through the feeding vortex (Sun), where everyone wants a share and a little bit more…

Add to this the influence of the meeting between Mars and Jupiter, wearing down our foundations since the current Solar Phase started (last August 7), and now giving additional force to revisions as well as retractions.

That’s where headlines dance, taking us from global warming to the beginning of a new glacial era, revision of events on September 11, statements coming and going very often taken back on Syria, new alliances crossing rivers of blood…

Pay attention for the Full Moon brings an Obfuscated Reasoning: confusing senses, inverting understandings, re-accommodating conveniences… out of herself and ourselves with so much manipulation.




Key: Taking back is very different from rectifying, reviewing is not the same as retracting. We are on the other side. Look well: the reflection is not inverted for this world. So, when turmoil surrounds, keeping the course without giving up to be ourselves will take us into our worlds again.

That’s the Equinox on September 22 (pay attention again, 22 and not 21). From the Equinox realities without appearances will emerge, which is already here, but we loose track due to ‘distractions’ clouding horizons and drawing their interests.

Apparently time flies, supposedly time is ending and was defamed of cutting our wings. That rectification is pending. Déjà Vu.



Times may move, spaces withdraw and worlds be cloned…

but we will continue to be ourselves.

 *Click on images for sources

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