English Luna Moon

June 26 2010: Full Moon and Eclipse bring the Coupling Cycle

From agitaded heavens sounds The Horn calling to action in order to couple with Cosmos, integrating, ordering and revealing, once the liberating pressures remove the enchanted nodes and mobilize us to times with different axis.

iclo 7 | Vuelo 1| Día Solar: 3 | Día Lunar: 12 | Gregoriano: 23/VI/10

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds

remembering the different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys,

diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.


Greetings on the third day of our new Solar Cycle. We flew among the cloud of smoke just before the night fell, it smelled like St. John.  Here you can read about this celebration and its relationship with Summer/Winter Solstice.

Like the vast spaces we inhabit, we are changing under super galactic tides and news in this flight come a little scrambled to come out of the comfortable stagnation and assume soon new roles. First, we deliver vital emanations that are already shifting life, and after that, the history of our days by cosmic dispositions with Lunar Eclipse included in order to remove the nodes that bewitch the senses to the point of making us forget where we were heading.

Remember to read feeling not thinking.


Ciclo Lunar

Vital Emanation for the Full Moon: Mobilization

Vital Emanation for the Partial Lunar Eclipse: Removal


Lunar Month Dates

New: Saturday June 12 11:15 UT (07:15 BOL)

Crescent: Saturday June 19 Thursday 04:29 UT (00:29 BOL)

Full: Saturday June 26 11:30 UT (07:30 BOL) plus Partial Lunar Eclipse 11:38 UT

Waning: Sunday July 4 Friday 14:35 UT (10:35 BOL)

Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory


Ciclo Solar

Southern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Rebirth ( To synchronize click on link or left image )

Navigation: Kingdoms of Earth approaching Cold


Northern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Reproduction (Click on link or left image to synchronize)

Navigation: Kingdoms of Fire moved by Heat


Gigantes Solares

Drawn in heavens: ‘The Horn’

Disposition for the Lunar Month: ‘The Coupling Cycle’

It’s essential  to read here the last flight explaining the ‘Removal of Enchanted Nodes’which arrived last June 12 with New Moon.

The ‘Coupling Cycle’ shaped in heavens around two axis: Galactic Centre and Super Galactic Centre.

From the Solar System point of view, now are acting Mercury and Pluto with the Earth on the Galatic Centre Axis; Saturn and Uranus on the Super Galactic Centre. Vital Emanations: Incorporating Transformations.

From the point of view of the Earth, on the Galactic Centre axis are Mercury with the Sun and Pluto with the Moon; and on the Super Galactic Centre, Uranus with Jupiter and Satur ruling this cycle. Vital Emanations: Ordering Transformations. Besides, there is a diagonal from Mars showing the action in the Kingdoms of Fomalhaut, the Alchemy Star and Watcher of the South, acting through Neptune and Chiron. Vital Emanation: Revealing Transformations.

Priority Three in the Lunar Month Agenda: Removing what is reached by fire


Galactic Centre Starscape Credit: ESA/ ISO, CAM, S. Ganesh (PRL, IAP), A. Omont (IAP), ISOGAL Team
Galactic Centre Starscape | Credit: ESA/ ISO, CAM, S. Ganesh (PRL, IAP), A. Omont (IAP), ISOGAL Team

The coupling in this cycle is a synchronization with resonance coming from the Super Galactic Centre, major changes in vibrational frequencies going through everything it contains, including the very small point our Solar System represents in the Galaxy we dwell in. When resonance reaches, its intensity amplifies creating new realities that integrate, order and reveal present sceneries, altering their focus towards different axis.

At the global, communitarian and individual level, we will see this coupling as resolutions for situations that reached maximum tension limits and when things were about to explode destroying it all, something brought the resolutions form somewhere else.

Full Moon will channel this ‘Coupling Cycle’, adding some of her own which is not exactly calm waters but burning intensities that since the New Moon brought out ‘posession attacks’ bordering incoherence and hiding the true reasons for incongruity. Tensions now reach maximum limit and pressure looks for liberation, without asking permission.

Additionally, the Lunar Eclipse  (more details in this link) facing the emerging changes by pressure liberated calls to mobilization in order to avoid loosing control of the situation. The return of this eclipse belongs to family Saros 120, started with the forces running in October of year 1000 of current era, when dominating powers were loosing position and decided to mobilize in order to recover their ‘divine grandeur’ in privileged and exclusive seats of honour. That’s when the seeds of the Crusades to come decades later were planted, just an example for there are more.

Visibility Regions of the Eclipse June 26 2010 - NASA

The last four times this eclipse returned with those patterns were: 1938 May 14, 1956 May 24, 1974 June 4, 1992 June 15. Remembering the events of those dates we can anticipate what this eclipse brings with changes arriving, be it from a political economic, social or other view and applying it to the individual level.

In Southern Hemisphere, where the new Solar Cycle just started, this Coupling Cycle will turn the light on in zones that were abandoned, marginalized or subdued, to incorporate them into rebirth as an inseparable part. In Northern Hemisphere, initiating reproduction, it will be in zones that were kept hidden, secret, confidential… demanding clarity without subterfuges for common benefit.

Yes, too many things at the same time, but they can be simplified in one phrase:

From agitaded heavens sounds The Horn calling to action in order to couple with Cosmos, integrating, ordering and revealing, once the liberating pressures remove the enchanted nodes and mobilize us to times with different axis.

Time to go now, but we will leave you to videos from celebrations of this Solstice in Tiwanaku, Bolivia. The first one speaks of the first time Winter Solstice is a National Holiday here and the second one about the Aymara people celebrating year 5,518.


May Your Coupling Wake Up Your Memory!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas
