English Luna Moon

June 12 2010: Removing New Moon

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 24| Día Solar: 353 | Día Lunar: 26 | Gregoriano: 9/VI/10

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

Flying to anticipate New Moon that also brings:

  • New Lunar Month starting this Friday 27 at 11:15 GMT
  • Southern Hemisphere is 12 days away from new Solar Year
  • Winter Solstice for the South and Summer for the North
  • We will also live in this Lunar Month an eclipse
  • Possessive waves, corrosive winds and removing fires will run through us
  • Three priorities for this Lunar Month’s Agenda


Ciclo Lunar

New Moon this Saturday, June 12, starting the Lunar Month with two cosmic events that will not go unnoticed for anyone: Solstice (June 21) and Partial Lunar Eclipse (June 26).

‘Possession Attacks’ will abound with those ‘no one takes what’s mine’ attitudes, where ‘mine’ in fact is no one’s for it does not know about possessing, less about incongruity. That wave is corrosive; it will do just about anything to get its way. And it only happens when conditions are not enough to assimilate forces shifting circumstances, for if they were, incongruity would become revelation.

If last Lunar Month was intense, this one goes from intensity to boiling point and such great excitement overflow judgements, senses and coherences, taking them to combustible extremes. It has another face, through which the boiling point is just the required step to separate parts and reveal what’s hidden. That’s the magic of life reached by the few with the appropriate soberness to step back until things take shape and the echoes of tomorrow speak.

Priority One in the Lunar Month Agenda: Wait for flames to separate seeds from weeds revealing the road.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this Lunar Month arrives in the last days of this solar year and ends its course next year; whatever you see, listen and fee is vital to understand what we will be living next Solar Cycle.


Lunar Month

New: Saturday June 12 11:15 UT (07:15 BOL)

Crescent: Saturday June 19 Thursday 04:29 UT (00:29 BOL)

Full: Saturday June 26 11:30 UT (07:30 BOL)

Waning: Sunday July 4 Friday 14:35 UT (10:35 BOL)

Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory


Ciclo Solar

Southern Hemisphere:


Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Appeasement of Life

| To synchronize click on link or left image |

Navigation: Kingdoms of Earth approaching Cold

Life Planning: Section 7  to thanks Life from June 7 to 15 in the Transition to Next Solar Cycle (downloadable guide here)

and Section 8 Withdrawal from June 16 to 20.


Northern Hemisphere:

Synchronize to Growth clicking on image

Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Growth

| Click on link or left image to synchronize |

Navigation: Kingdoms of Air approaching Heat

Life Planning: May life in this cycle grow, wherever she is, through my actions, achieving what’s desired. Key question: Where does this has to reach?

Priority Two in this Lunar Month’s Agenda: Turn with Nature to be reborn in the South and to reproduce in the North


Gigantes SolaresPrevious: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.


Drawn in heavens: ‘The Horn’

Disposition for the Lunar Month: ‘Removal of Enchanted Nodes’

The New Moon will arrive under heavens in upheaval, which are origin and cause of boiling point for this Lunar Month.

Solar neighbours draw ‘The Horn’, sounding in nearby distances waking up languid states and calling to action.

This cosmic mission calls to remove those nodes that attract, trap and create sub-worlds favouring the few against and at the expense of many, but they are also dazzling spaces that enchant senses to the point of subjugating them and have them convinced that’s where life runs, when in fact life is stagnant there and will go nowhere. In other words, the ‘Removal of Enchanted Nodes’.

Around the Sun, two triads and a dyad boil the fires for removal:

Uranus-Jupiter-Mercury stoke the nodes to evaporate enchantments

Saturn-Mars-Venus arouse removals linking nodes to the times

Pluto-Earth transform nodes dressing them with other ways

The seat of honour, outside the battle field, has Neptune blowing The Horn and Chiron watching to reduce damages.

The Earth has a privileged seat for many reasons, but stands out her possibility to observe different alliances created to resist The Removal. She can see clearly who are playing ‘this is mine’, yes , the possession attacks mentioned in the Lunar Cycle; but also the incongruities to keep on being self-appointed ‘heroes’, or alliances sealed ‘to punish those that do not behave as I want them to’, the incoherence of maintaining suicidal status quo, pointless voices that keep squeezing the air that ran away,  the insistence of hidden interests disguised as lambs, including the undesirable winds of war, etc, etc.

She can also see approaching the fall of structures that lost foundations, the collapse of systems that have sucked themselves up, the dissolution of unsustainable situations that were kept by ‘reason or force’. And considering her view goes through walls, she will not be misled by supposed ‘mistakes’ that appear way too obvious, for the rest are not that dumb and no one is that intelligent, time to ask for whom is so ‘convenient’ that mistake almost naive.

And we are the Earth, transforming nodes that stagnate life in ways that flow her, avoiding to stay gossiping about the senselessness we will see. Time to act. The Horn sounded and the winds are thundering.

Priority Three in this Lunar Month’s Agenda: Remove what fire has touched.


May Your Agenda Touch Life!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas
