English Wheel of Life

My New Year, Wheels, Peoples and Forgotten Histories

January 1st becomes to me an inevitable corner of absences and emptiness that not even all the joy produced around the planet fills them up. It becomes to me as if we are not there, as if the night of January 31st is an enormous hole full of noises where we all would be, however there is no one.

And I can’t go back. That flavour was lost to me forever while looking behind the established. I did it to know why we do the things we do and so recognize myself. Do you ever feel empty and some parts were left apart? Well, there I went and thing is that when I found reasons, for me it was not a flavour anymore but artifical flavour. January 1st as official history is found very near, in 1582 when the Gregorian Calendar was instituted, which was shaped since 47 c.e. with the Romans.
Uy! But I do not walk there, nor anyone, too much pomp in another empty hole where everyone looks from a distance what could happen and make as if they were part of in case they get a piece or leftovers. It doesn’t even dance, less turn along with the band. And thing is it does not turn, does not go with life. It comes by decree, in tree made paper, over the strikenthrough history of the peoples. That’s not fair sir for my right to be is denied. I wrapped January 1st on its plastic little wrapper and took it back to those self named providences.

And left looking for my year, mine that could be of many others or not, each one has the right to have a year as pleasing… better said, as its surroundings sing to them for it comes decided and makes no sense to play dressing it up. Take note of this for wherever I looked, it was so; most of the people had a year displacing along with nature, territorial, earthling, lunar, solar and other spheres containing us.

Differences I found about the moment to celebrate the beginning of the year, taking as reference solar, lunar or soli-lunar cycles. Ones for Spring Equinox, others for the last Quarter, and others for Winter Solstice. There were also those following lunar phases and even some stars and conjunctions. There were many, there are many, some I still didn’t visit.

In any case, the pattern that gave me back my memory was that all of them were linked to natural cycles. And through there life does turn. Through there it did turn me. There i started finding myself, as I like to say it: ‘Returning Myself to My Natural Cycles‘.

There I did find myself; little parts of me, with my year, with my first day of the year and finally could reconstruct my Wheel of Life for the Solar Cycle and could even share it, now a basic part of Los Bosques.

Of course the history of my quest is much longer, these are just my expressive shortcuts. And now, back to my wheels, where I can keep on remembering  the forgotten histories of the peoples, yes, histories, peoples, pluralizing our diversity. .

And happening this while we undergo Shifting Times and those legacies, those peoples are restituting themselves until recuperating lives, I still see long roads to walk, for once we remember our wheels, we still have to remember how to adjust them for Shifting Times, and remember who we are always and who we are being during shifts, like never ending stories…

Somewhere we will meet turning on a wheel. Or perhaps you will take me to your wheel or just any wheel. Maybe we will just sit together and watch how the wheels adjust us silently… as always.

Until then, here a wheel to share where year, cycle, turn, nature, legacies, forgotten histories, knowledges, peoples and life are still turning. The choice speaks of life’s simplicity and still emanating her most profound secrets said without words on stone… hope you can turn with it.

The place is Burro Flats Painted Caves in Simi Valley, California of the Chumash peoples ; the image belongs to Slides of Burro Flats by Clive Ruggles, University of Leicester and here part of the book that brought me part of that forgotten history

Send a wheel and let’s turn!
