English Moon

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse 10 January 2020

Bringing the Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse and Saturn-Pluto conjunction the same day.

Yes, triads embedded with more triads still active since last New Moon (26DEC2019).

We know the presence of triads is a sign of life, generation of life, fecundation of another life. They are magic.

That’s enough to feel invigorated, but there is more. Their intensity triples for the Full Moon (10JAN2020 19:21UT)

First, with the conjunction Saturn Pluto (10JAN2020) with autonomous guidelines for the coming decades. See more about this conjunction in last New Moon.

Second, with the roar of Lunar Eclipse about Exterminations reaching its maximum intensity with the Full Moon. Read here its patterns in history following its returns  and general data on the eclipse here.

Third, with the molecules from the Solar Phase putting us face to face with our quintessence, the one that reveals what we are made of through our acts.

Running into our quintessence while around us unleash exclusions and exterminations, plus the new societal structures of autonomous guidelines, besides thrice intense is quite a challenge.

Hence, those heliocentric tides waving our waters, while the conjunction Saturn-Pluto and Mercury introduce the new guidelines along with Chiron and Mars, we (Earth) along Venus triangulate that great conjunction so that neither exclusions nor exterminations wipe us out and concerning the siege, we react procreating, generating life, fecundating along with Neptune and Mars.

Meanwhile, around us geocentric tides will show beyond exclusions and exterminations, the new rules of the game, what can be and what cannot, who can play and who is marginalized.

If we find something favouring us, dazzled we will think that’s the ideal horizon due to the apparent conjunction of the Sun with the major conjunction on 10th. January. Apparent.

If adversity comes across, we will react against everything and everyone due to the apparent opposition of the Moon against Jupiter and also with the major conjunction. All apparent.

Overwhelming emotions will be extremely tolerant or excessively intransigent.

But, if we do not get carried away by the impetus of circumstances, we might listen to our sensations which will be in alert mode, and, smell the triads as a sign of where life if is running.

We will be back soon.