Eclipses English

Eclipses October November 2022 General Data

Eclipses, patrones e historia Español

Eclipses Abril Mayo 2022 Patrones en la Historia

Previamente se señaló que los dos primeros eclipses del 2022 retornan con las realidades o líneas de tiempo de ‘Emboscadas’ y ‘Rupturas’, aludiendo así a sus efectos y no a sus fuerzas o energías que son menos evidentes en la cotidianeidad. A saber, las fuerzas de las ‘Emboscadas’ neutralizan energías, sea mediante aislamiento, debilitamiento o […]

Eclipses and Patterns English

Eclipses April May 2022 Patterns in History

As previously stated, the first two eclipses in 2022 return with realities or timelines of ‘Ambushes’ and ‘Ruptures’, thus alluding to their circumstantial manifestations and not to its forces or energies which are less evident in daily life. Namely, ‘Ambushes’ forces neutralise energies, be it by isolating, weakening or distorting its potencies, leaving them without […]

Eclipses English

Eclipses April May 2022 General Data

English Moon

New Moon and Eclipse 04 December 2021

Arriving with the new Lunar Month, tides way more distended under impressed forces and many triads… something is being born. Phases of the Lunar Month (UT): 04 DEC 07:43 New Moon 11 DEC 01:36 Crescent Moon 19 NOV 04:36 Full Moon 27 DIC 02:24 Waning Moon The Lunar Month inaugurates under the Total Solar Eclipse […]

Eclipses and Patterns English

Eclipses November and December 2021 – Patterns in History

1. Lunar Eclipse 126, ‘Decreed Realities’ The year 1228 was its first eclipse and will return on 19 November 2021. Its energies insert waves of high reverberation into space-time replacing existing conditions temporarily. In earthly realities this translates in realities replaced temporarily by proclaiming or decreeing them. And in year 1228 under this eclipse the […]

Eclipse en curso Español

Eclipses Noviembre y Diciembre 2021 – Información General

Eclipses and Patterns English

Eclipse 10 June 2021: Energies and Patterns in History

Solar Eclipse 147 started its cycle of 1,424.38 years in 12 October 1624. Its return 10 June 2021 is number 23 with the energies of replicas. To distinguish the patterns of this eclipse in history, replica is also understood as reply, objection, protest, reaction, reposition, manifestation, critic, argument. As well as copy, duplicate, reproduction, carbon […]