Eclipses and Patterns English

Eclipse 10 June 2021: Energies and Patterns in History

Solar Eclipse 147 started its cycle of 1,424.38 years in 12 October 1624. Its return 10 June 2021 is number 23 with the energies of replicas.

To distinguish the patterns of this eclipse in history, replica is also understood as reply, objection, protest, reaction, reposition, manifestation, critic, argument.

As well as copy, duplicate, reproduction, carbon copy, imitation; but also includes that of replicant, android, hybrid, clone.

Of course, taking into account the force of replicas acting as released energies as waves, visible example, concentric rings created in water after a stone strikes, or, as unseen example but felt, tremors after an earthquake.


For additional general data on the eclipse and years of its return, specially for those that want to remember how they influenced at the personal level, see Eclipses May and June 2021. For those just arriving, see Energies from Eclipses and also patterns in history from Lunar Eclipse 26 May 2021.


When Lunar Eclipse 121 in year 1624 brought eclosions for the 33rd. time, breaking the mould and entering a new level, its patterns in history were found when Cardinal Richelieu was appointed Prime Minister in France.

Two weeks later the inaugural energies of Solar Eclipse 147 entered with replicas and also in France, 23 August, Antoine de Villon, Jean Bitaud and Ètienne de Clave placed posters announcing that during the next two days, at the University of Paris, Sorbonne, they would reply publicly fourteen thesis against Aristotle, Paracelsus and the “cabbalists”.

Those arguments had the intention to refute simultaneously two of the most in vogue theories of those times, Aristotle’s hylomorphism and the three principles of Paracelsus doctrine. At the same time, they would attack the “cabalists” doctrine, which sustained the soul of the world, identified with fire and the universal spirit, was the principle of all actions. Besides, they wanted to do all this with demonstrations through alchemical experiments considered highly heretical at the time and so they were judged.

Reactions to that announcement did not wait long and demonstrations announced for the next two days did not take place. Immediately that same 23rd. August, the Parliament of Paris forbade formally those manifestations. And in a couple of days, the Sorbonne also censured those thesis.

A series of meetings and positions on the fourteen thesis followed, divisions about them, arguments on how to obtain their condemnation and above all how to stop all this definitively since it was attempting against accepted theories in university circles and beyond.

Although reactions to the attempt to demonstrate those fourteen thesis at that moment were more religious than scientific, so much so that the Faculty of Theology at the Sorbonne would remain the maximum authority and their doctors would be the ones to approve the resolution of any dispute, and in any case, sustain those thesis would be punished by death sentence.

Under the inaugural energies of Eclipse Solar 147, replies were not the result of the stage proposed by the three proponents, but also by reactions and positions of authorities within the Parliament as well as from the Sorbonne, and, the copies reproduced from the posters announcing the event and also of the censorship conclusions, even the differences in the list of the fourteen thesis that in the source document are well noted. (1)

Less visible patterns from replicas in that inaugural year of the eclipse are behind the sole mention of alchemy and its experiments beyond gold transmutation, and rather as its exponents stated that the objective, philosopher’s stone or great work was rather the alchemical wedding, sacred wedding or rebis, understood as the union of opposites and ended up in the androginous.

Forbidden topics at that time, but remained between the lines of events without even mentioning them, Also in year 1624, a pictographic work was published, which even toay is considered as an encyclopedia of alchemy. Daniel Stolcius or von Stolcenberg, published “Viridarum Chymicum”, mentioned by some as “The Garden of Alchemical Pleasure”, an anthology with sources in previous collections and including 170 drawings, each one with a phrase in Latin explaining the sense of the image.

Although events chosen with patterns of replicas carry the air of the forbidden as well as the occult, these are not conditions akin to replicas, as will be evidenced in examples for the last returns of Solar Eclipse 147.

The 20th. return of this eclipse in year 1967, replicas show in New York and San Francisco where hundreds of thousands of people marched against the war in Vietnam; in London, the first automated teller machine enters service; in South Africa, Dr. Christiaan Barnard along with his brother and a team perform the first successful human heart transplant which survived for eighteen days when the patient died of neumonia; in the United States: in August, Dr. Adrian Kantowitz uses for the first time in a case of myocardial infarction the intra-aortic balloon pump, and, two neurosurgeons create the Talairach coordinates to map the brain, and Dr. Thomas Starzl performs the first successful human liver transplantation.

In 1985, during the 21st. return of Solar Eclipse 147: United States, the first patient with an artificial heart, William J. Schroeder, leaves the hospital, and, the GNU Manifesto written by Richard Stallman is published for the first time as a call- to action for the software system totally compatible with Unix, although not identical to Unix, that could be shared freely, even modified and reproduced; Europe, the Schengen Agreement was signed by five States of the European Economic Community creating the Schengen Area with no internal border controls among them.

In 2003, during the 22nd. return of Solar Eclipse 147: China is the first country to approve commercial production of gene therapy; 15 February, millions of people worldwide participate in massive protests against war against war anticipating the invasion of Iraq; in March, the world Health Organisation (WHO) issues a global alert against a coronavirus propagating and on 5 July declares it’s contained; Human Genome Project completes the human genome sequence with 99.99% accuracy.

And, in 2021, under the return 23 of Solar Eclipse 147, which since past February staged the replicas, without much effort its patterns surround us with vaccine reproductions that this year were and still are priority everywhere and at all levels. Meanwhile, few days from the eclipse, the small screen releases the series Sweet Tooth in a post-apocalyptic stage with hybrid children and virus replicating as part of the story-line.

(1) Source: Kahn Didier. La condamnation des thèses d’Antoine de Villon et Etienne de Clave contre Aristote, Paracelse et les «cabalistes» (1624) / The condemnation of Antoine de Villon’s and Etienne de Clave’s theses against Aristotle, Paracelsus and the « cabalists ». In: Revue d’histoire des sciences, tome 55, n°2, 2002. pp. 143-198 ; doi :