English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Solstice 21 December 2021


Of these sidereal spaces propagating at
supersonic speeds too little will be said,
for stealth or to avoid embarrassment.

In these lands reproducing endlessly, space
and kingdoms included, energy streams saturate
the air to the point of extenuating capacities.

In our lands, clinging to the soil,
frequencies struggle between slow density
and supersonic energies passing through them.

Supersonic will be the desire to take flight,
not so the energetic overcharge that barely
can support the bodies we inhabit.

Exhausted them, not us. We’ll take flight.
Beyong stealth, propagations on the
billboard and saturations of the case.

From this stretch the speed of events will be
remembered, we were thinking where to
when we were already propagated there.

Written on the annals of history will remain
that we know little of propagations, but we
do it. See you on the next turn of the wheel.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Solstice 21 DEC 2021 15:59 UT until first days of February 2022
Southern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice | Reproduction | Litha
Northern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice | Rebirth | Yule