
Solstice June 21 2011 | Shift from The Great Cycle

Emanations coming with Solstice and announcing other times in our times

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  • In the Southern Hemisphere we are approaching a new journey around the Sun on the planet, exactly at 17.16 UT (13:26 BOL), the New Year marked by Winter Solstice. Today is the first day of the first of 8 phases of the year: Rebirth (sinchronize here) which will last until August 6, 2011.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, they are approaching the first half of their Solar Year | Cycle marked at the same time by Summer Solstice. Today is the first day of the 5th phase: Reproduction (synchronize here) which will last until August 6 2011.


Living these energies shift, which belong to no one and no one can be the owner for they impregnate all of us equally, whether they want it or not by mandate of natural laws which have no last name nor owner:

While more life gestates, there will be those remembering how to listen to the moment, which is a wolrd among the worlds bringing its own dress, seal and chant.

From that world, out of lineal time and linked to cyclic times, we know by its seal these are not local, planetary nor solar times,all life around us will be subordinated to the Great Cycle or Long Count. Life will be subverted to major priorities which diminish the intensity of minor ones, making them appear without importance or loosing importance. See more on the Great Cycle or Long Count here:

The dress is designed by major planets around the Sun, shining with the glow of the Galaxy overshadowing everything within her.

Pluto and the Earth place themselves on the neck opening an arch manifesting what’s been done, not beginnings, new conditions among us have already been achieved. Venus and Mercury on each side of the wide skirt make sure every thought, scheme and position have the enormities of the Great Cycle.

That dress on us does not shine much, it’s overshadowed by the Great Cycle, besides having stains from The Three Eclipses surrounding the Solstice (see more here) until now emanating censorship, repression, silencing, shadowing and embroidered with new geographies appearing.

And looking from the Earth, or around us, we see realities subverted, there is a categorical, deep and forceful shift, taking us to live new dimensions or that we think are new for they are subordinated to the Great Cycle. Like if it was a completely different cycle, out of the time we are living (remember it’s not lineal) and shows bizarre situations, or at least considered sordid fro they did not come to be in the last decades we lived. A cycle overlapping our cycles formed by the Sun, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn and Uranus with the Earth on the center.

Narrow mental schemes on whether these are good or bad omens have no place here, we will be very busy with the Great Cycle, that’s what this is about: listening to what the times are demanding from us. Remember also that from the shadows life is born and without them she cannot shine.

About the chant form this Solstice, you will hear it form the music of the spheres exactly at 17:16 GMT or Universal Time. Three minutes before and three minutes after, listen with your inner ears to the Solstice. First, listen the dispositions for the planet; then, for your territories and last for yourself.

May the Solstice awaken the forgotten memory of our times!