English Wheel of Life

New Phase in the Wheel of Life: 1 August – 22 September 2019

/|\ Almost used to converging from a distance, no physicality and no circuits, we were thrown physically into far aways. Passages of the new stretch crossed our way, projecting us above velocity and made light into dimensional distances. Sidereal stretch replete of passages, transporting us instantly into unknown sceneries, routes, whereabouts. Without noticing, these are […]

Rueda de la Vida

Augurios para la Fase Solar Triádica: 7 Agosto 2017

¡Saludos para este Cuarto que engendra el próximo equinoccio! Al Sur, augurios para la Ofrenda | Imbolg | Primer Cuarto Al Norte, augurios para la Regeneración | Lammas o Lughnassadh | Tercer Cuarto La Tierra, y por lo tanto nosotros, ingresa a este Cuarto el 7 de agosto (07:40 TU) y lo recorrerá hasta el […]

English Wheel of Life

Greetings on the Triadic Solar Phase: 7 August 2017

Greetings on this Quarter procreating next Equinox! South, greetings for the Offer | Imbolg | First Quarter North, greetings for Regeneration | Lammas / Lughnassadh | Third Quarter Earth, and therefore us, enters this Quarter  on 7 August (07:40 TU) and will traverse it until 21 September. A peculiar Solar Phase emanating The Unassailable. It […]

Rueda de la Vida

Nueva Fase Solar 5 Mayo 2014 Decodificaciones

Navegaremos bajo lluvias de descodificaciones 5 Mayo 20 Junio 2014

Español Luna

Luna Nueva y Eclipse Solar 3 Noviembre 2013 | Identidades Reveladas

Luna Nueva cambiante, eclipse que revela identidades y fase solar que levanta el velo a lo oculto


Nueva Fase Solar 5 Mayo 2013: Umbrales de la Infinitud

Esta fase nos devolverá lo que somos y no lo que nos han contado si cruzamos los umbrales de la infinitud


New Solar Phase 5 May 2013 Thresholds of Infinitude

This phase will bring us back what we are and not what we were told if we cross the thresholds of infinitude

2012 Sintonizaciones

New Solar Phase 7 November 2012 | The Arrow

The turn of the arrow, the turn previous to the one everyone is looking at, the turn of two eclipses evaporating enchantments.