
New Solar Phase: Nov 7 – Dec 21 2011

Growth | Appeasement, Beltaine | Samhain Greetings


Wrapped in tides taking mutations back and forth,
we shall navigate roads we wished for reaching us without notice,
none will be able to explain how we arrived nor how we were transported there.

We will see the small people chasing their shadows in the twilights of light,
trees revealing the world crossing us without nights and days,
disclosing among their folds those gazes that raise green seas.

With amber drops our flows will be shaked and we shall be as in the beginning,
leaving sculpted in our vapours the missing links of reverbarations.
And life, we shall see her running free without asking permission from our stiffness.

[colored_box title=”Dissociations” variation=”mossgreen” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#708090″]

Halfway between past Equinox on September 23 and Solstice on Dec 22 will be November 7 2011 at 18:27 GMT, the moment marking the change in the Solar phase.

Northern Hemisphere: the seed for the new year is born with Appeasement | 4th Quarter | Samhain. Southern Hemisphere: buds born during Spring Equinox will life of their own with Growth | 2nd Quarter | Beltane

About Halloween celebrations there are several posts starting here, as well as remind our broken links with the Solar Wheel of Life in this link, specially in the Southern Hemisphere where we still inhibit life celebrating ‘death’ when life is in full process of unfolding.
