English Moon

New Moon and Eclipse 13 July 2018

Greetings. We flew with the ties of the new Lunar Month (13JUL-10AGO).

Although in this flight we concentrate on the New Moon, worth of three, crossing in triads and acting thrice.

And, when triads are everywhere there is a triple message:
1. Life synthesizes and another triad or triadic life is about to be born
2. Their presence is the magic of life holding all the answers
3. Triads unfold around marking where life is going to

But first, the Phases of the Lunar Month in Universal Time (UT):

13JUL 02:48 New Moon and Solar Partial Eclipse
19JUL 19:52 First Quarter
27JUL 20:20 Full Moon and Lunar Total Eclipse
04AUG 18:18 Last Quarter

First Triad in Three Eclipses:
This is the Major Triad, which at least in the following three months, will keep on turning us on the timelines of their energies returning with three eclipses in July and August:

Providing forces to face the break (13JUL Defensive Patches)
Alternative mechanisms to soothe conflicts (27JUL Relaxation Transfers)
Replacing potentially means to propagate (11AUG Propagating Replacements)

A triad with information on this eclipse triad:

1. July and August Eclipses 2018 with additional data, schedule and visibility of these eclipses
2. Patterns in History and Energies for each eclipse
3. Energies from Eclipses to remember how they act upon you

Second Triad from the Solar Phase:
Opening of the Gates
They come from our orbital journey on Earth, bathing us with emanations from those sidereal spaces or territories which since last solstice make 1)spaces broader, 2) expand times and 3) limits are wider with the Opening of the Gates, showing us spaces from our worlds which to illustrate we can say they are on the dark side of the Moon.

Third, Fourth and Fifth Triad from the
Heliocentric Tides: Conductive Blows
The third triad gives way to the Lunar Month’s Conductive Blows:

1. Earth visits Pluto (conjunction, new cycle) generating the starting blows.
2. Those blows are filtered through the Fourth Triad formed by Earth, Pluto and Neptune, conducted through Jupiter and Venus to ensure the original potential and magnetism.
3. Splicing from Jupiter is the Fifth Triad, along with Chiron, Mars and Mercury filtering the noise to return it as power.

In synthesis, the interaction of giant planets in the solar System emanates starting blows which once unfolding or in contact are filtered to protect them and eliminate noise. Acting under these tides, if you tune to their resonance, actions are guaranteed to end as beneficial and powerful.

Sixth, Seventh, Eigth and Ningth Triad
from Geocentric Tides: Spliced Reverberations
1. Tides seen from Earth are interpreted from the impetus of the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter (Sixth Triad) adapting Conductive Blows into the personal agenda of dreams, goals and plans.
2. That impetus is overlapped by Venus, Uranus and Saturn (Seventh Triad) introducing new starts to our surroundings.
3. Although not everyone transits through the most fluent grounds, others do it through those of greater tension, choosing the path of opposition between Mercury and Mars, between Jupiter and Uranus, or, between Pluto and the Moon. (Eighth Triad)
4. There is another splice pulsing with the Galaxy from Jupiter along with Mercury and Lilith, resonating with most fluent tides or tensing cables, the momentum reverberation is guaranteed for both of them (Ninth Triad).

Overstimulated Sensations and Exalted
Emotions for the New Moon
It’s not hard to grasp that the triple power tides bathing us, be it through the orbital journey, interaction in the Solar System, or, from earthly perspectives, besides the three eclipses, will have our Sensations Overstimulated and Emotions Exalted, requiring breathing pauses to soothe all the impetus.

Key of the Lunar Month: Splice where life flows, the mark are the triads.

We will be back for the Full Moon with another eclipse.