English Wheel of Life

Solstice 21st. June 2018 Opening of the Gates

About this phase on the Wheel we will remember the gates opening spaces that by design were hidden from sight.

Their existence was unknown to us, even though they were always part of the space we dwell or inhabits us.

Spaces will broaden, times will expand, limits will widen.

It will be said the otherworld comes on board, the parallel one is boarding and another one is bordering the wits.

None of them will be supernatural, could seem superimposed, but they will just be overexposed.

They come from this world and these spaces. From the dark side, darkened but not dark.

Emerging with the Solstice, be it Rebirth | Yule | Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere
or  Reproduction | Lytha | Summer Solstice in the North,
the gates will expand confines.

Opening benefits will last just the journey through this sidereal space, closing the gates on the first days of August.

They may return to their shadowed spaces, though we shall already know they are there.

The Earth will reach the Solstice on 21st. June 2018 at 10:07 UniversalTime.