English Luna Moon

Lunar Cycle: Full Moon and Eclipse June 15 2011

Moon is still having her parties, now hiding behind the Earth from the Sun with the June 15 eclipse. The Full Moon will emanate different energies to be considered when understanding the moment we are living and feeling:

  • Moon is channelling The Shadowing from Solar giants and the distorted reflection of the Repression we see from Earth (see more here).
  • She is imbued with emanations from Earth on her navigation around the Sun which is in transition for both hemispheres: South, transforming Appeasement to Rebirth, and North from Growth to Reproduction (see more here), both also approaching Solstice on June 21 2011.
  • She also brings the emanations form the Galactic Centre passing through her territories, the Moon is in Sagittarius 23° and Galactic Centre in Sagitarius 26°, which implies we are receiving dispositions superimposing any other within the galaxy.
  • The Moon has her own emanations: expansive emotions wishing to find no obstacles on their already accelerated journey due to galactic intensities and carries as arm The Silencing of anything trying to restrain their momentum.
  • The eclipse bringing historical energies, first from 803 with Power Struggles (see more here), and with greater intensity those running for 565 years already: Censorship (see more here):
Fases de la Luna | Moon Phases | Galileo Galilei 1616 | censuring him for affirming the Sun was the center and not the Earth, did not make everything turn around the Earth

Silencing has three edges:

  • Silencing stridencies distorting the music of the spheres which is the natural music of all existences
  • Attempts of those who need no one else speaking so they can shine and maintain their usurpations
  • Obtuse actions those gullible enough to believe it’s possible to eliminate anything trying to liberate people from their submission and control

On the first one, synchronization comes as natural as its origin, it’s enough to quit down all voices, own and of others which speak following conventional guidelines and cannot resist the passage of time, so we can listen just the way we are.

The second and third one depending if we are silencing or singing freedoms, we will know which roles we are performing and will have the chance to review if our objectives can resist the passage of time or are just circumstantial life, besides possibly being part of someone else’s agenda and not ours.

The eclipse’s Censorship is as forced as The Shadowing and Repression disposed from the Solar System. Desperate measures. Valid examples are:

  • Burning manuscripts or books
  • Shadowed paragraphs in black on books
  • Index of “forbidden books”
  • Laws or norms introduced abruptly with prohibitions
  • Attempt to control what is not under their control
  • Discredit those who go beyond their powerful plans
  • Positions deciding what the rest ‘should do’
  • Opinions with “short morals” still believing they can nullify others’ freedoms
  • Decrees or resolutions restraining life which is not under its powerful consent
  • Tagging through words implying “enemies” to take them out of the game
  • Inquisitorial accusations with the narrowness of divine rights allowing to annul, destroy or kill
  • Opinions with order included about who should be friend of others and who should not
Even though the holy inquisition burned at the steak GIordano Bruno in 1600 and introduced his books on the forbidden books index, it did not change the fact that the universe is infinite and there are many infinites | Author Photo: Jastrow

Censorship is also a powerful arm bringing sanctions to ensure fear abounds and people do not dare to defy status quo, less to be themselves for they are forced to follow pre-established manuals.

Origins of this eclipse in 1416 (see more here) remind us how it worked since then and, without much effort you will remember how they work today, where the stake and burnings mutated to more “elegant” forms without stopping to be preferred control arms.

We will also remember that the most powerful arm versus impositions cutting off life is closing the door to fear and not stopping being ourselves.

This Full Moon stretch could only be of terror if we are on the side of those persecuting people that makes them uncomfortable. If they try to silence us we will know we are on the path of liberating ourselves. If we keep silent and allow abuses to continue we will know time to be ourselves has not arrived and we will continue being statistics in the agendas of the powerful.

And please, do not forget the powerful are not only abusive authorities, delinquents, liars, and those who take advantage of your passivity to get their way. Do not give away your life, enjoy it being yourself and you will remember we do not need to cut off anyone’s life, our is more than enough.

To synchronize to energies this eclipse is bringing, remember the events unleashed on its last returns and which you will find in Three Eclipses Approaching: June 1 and 15 | July 1 | 2011 . When you do it, remember it’s not about negativity or positivism replicating on this events, go further, look in unseen worlds, in energies that changed your life or that demanded resolution to stop living situations which return to your life once and again. On that link you will also find additional information on visibility and time for the Total Lunar Eclipse


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