English Luna Moon

Full Moon 29 October 2012 | Chasing the arrows

A Full Moon to chase the arrows to get out of muddles

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 9 | Día Solar: 134 | Día Lunar: 17 | Gregoriano: 31/X/12


Greetings. This flight arrives late, though this Full Moon’s energies are the ones from next Solar phase starting November 7 and are still valid, they dominate the period between that date and December 21st, besides bringing two eclipses. Click on image to receive Los Bosques card for this phase.

Drawn in Heavens > The Arrow
Solar Giants are disposed drawing The Arrow, the same on from Greek mythology where The Archer bears The Arrow (Sagittarius) and pointing towards Scorpion. The Arrow points upwards from its edge and in a straight line towards the Galactic Center.


Dispositions from the Solar Giants > Balances Unbalanced

In the Solar System planets are located in an almost perfect wheel where balance also seems perfect, if it wasn’t for their positions causing friction among them, among the elements making us, among the waters swallowing fires, among winds removing soils. Our planet continues in open rebellion against the limits imposed by Saturn, just lie us. We will feel all the force from unbalances in what seems to be an ideal balance, although situations take turns that seemed to favor us and suddenly turn against us (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn). To get out of the unbalance during next two weeks, we can chase the arrows showing us the way out of chaos.



Dispositions seen from the Earth > Muddles
Unbalanced Balances from the Solar System manifest surrounding us with muddles, turning things upside down and everyone against everyone. Fights among ideas versus unexpected rejections (Mercury with Mars versus Jupiter and Lilith), among stubbornness not willing to yield before reasons (Neptune, Chiron, Mercury, Mars), among insistences to take advantage of others (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto). Muddles will make us dizzy, some conveniently to distract us, but just like Solar Giants dispositions, here on Earth chasing the arrows to take us out chaos fulfills the intention of what’s drawn in heavens.


Emanations from the Moon > Unconsciousness from Stubbornness
Unbalances and muddles on which we always take part thinking what is ideal to each one, will drive us mad, make us feel powerlessness and will want to fix everything in our way. Completely stubborn, as if ours was the perfect recipe, the brilliant manual, the only idea… unconscious that the one next to us also thinks, that solutions can be millions, that there are no absolute truths nor that brilliant minds shadowing the rest…, even worst, totally unconscious that while we close ourselves within our stubbornness, further down they are deciding for us and it will be late when we react. Alerts, chasing the arrows, looking around and without being inflexible, will be more convenient to navigate the next two weeks.

May we chase the arrows of life!

*Click on images to go to sources

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