English Luna Moon

Full Moon 27 March 2013 | Weaving the Warp

We’ll keep on weaving the bridges to the reality we lived yesterday

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 19 | Día Solar: 279 | Día Lunar: 15 | Gregoriano: 25/III/2013


Versión en castellano

Drawn in Heavens > The Loom

The Loom is still drawn (see New Moon March 11) which in realities makes advances weaving our realities and knitting required bridges to reach next solar phase (May 5) exactly where we want to be.

Forgotten History: the Universe is 100 million years older than we thought and they showed it with this image in high resolution from 380.000 years since the Big Bang, taken with the Planck telescope | Credits: European Space Agency
Forgotten History: the Universe is 100 million years older than we thought and they showed it with this image in high resolution from 380.000 years since the Big Bang, taken with the Planck telescope | Credits: European Space Agency


Dispositions from the Solar Giants > Tensions on the Warp

A powerful wave (interactions from Pluto, Venus, Uranus, Mars, Earth, Mercury) raises a space, similar to an alley or canyon, where tides disturb situations and take them to unexpected extremes.

It’s temporary, focused and affects just the space where it unfolds. The Earth, and therefore us, see this as a deformation on the warp due to the tension introduced and trying to avoid it introduces more tension.

Saturn does not approve this and introduces his own forces trying to loosen up the greatest tension introduced by Venus and Mars who are fighting over the new creation (Uranus), forgetting it has life of its own and is also pulls to its own side.

Jupiter forming an alliance with Saturn, weaves a protective mesh that is restoring things to the previous state and trying to mitigate damages, and in another alliance with Pluto, they unfold a bridge towards Jupiter and Mercury to ‘fix’ the damage.

Key: Go back to the original warp and woof, the one that started our weaving, that’s where the foundations holding us are as well as the threads and colors (decisions, projects) that will give back its shape to our weave.


var a construir un nuevo modelo del universo.
Image of the ‘cosmic microwave background’ shows anomalies with temperature fluctuations in opposing hemispheres of heavens, contrary to the standard model of the universe affirming it might be very similar in any direction we look into. The appearance of an axis with a universe ver much like our Earth with cold poles and warmer on the middle, could take to build a new model of the ‘universe’. Credits:

Dispositions seen from Earth > Anticipating Realities

Tensions on the warp coming from the Solar Giants, on Earth will be seen as events or situations that apparently make everything collapse, apparently and only for a moment.

Heliocentric and Geocentric models of the Solar System
Heliocentric and geocentric models of the solar system | Author: Niko Lang, Wikimedia Commons

The Moon will channel them, who from being part of the great cause that gathered us during the last New Moon beyond physical spaces, but joining the same energy that gathered 7 planets (apparent position with geocentric look), as Full Moon is exactly in the position the Earth holds on the solar system space (heliocentric look).

Hence, the Moon adopts a defying attitude before present tensions, introducing also greater tension. Just like in the solar vicinity, Saturn and Jupiter soothe tensions, Jupiter applying actions with triple resonance. In any case, that energy that gather us beyond spaces will keep flowing through us.

The apparent conjunction of the Sun with Uranus drags us to put all our energy in what we are weaving on the warp, which already has life of its own.

Attitude: It’s not time to look into the future deforming it with the impacts form this force or take decisions with unbalanced emotions. It’s time to look into the starting point in order to restore things back to its place, applying the force thrice or multiplying the efforts by three with the resonances in triad from Jupiter.


Supermassive Black Hole, artist illustration of accretion disc | Credit: Robert Hurt, NASA/JPL-Caltech
Supermassive Black Hole, artist illustration of accretion disc | Credit: Robert Hurt, NASA/JPL-Caltech

Emanations from the Moon > Consciously Transformed

Given the aforementioned, you might already be aware that so conscious and in such a transformation, the Moon goes a little to far on her impetus.

Luckily or by design, she is navigating the spaces of last Equinox, where balance is the force resonating above all others.

Next two weeks, the Moon, and therefore us, will walk at times in extreme outbursts and at times restoring balance to our roads.

May we walk on the foundations of our warp!

Artist's concept of the Interplanetary Transport Network. The green ribbon represents one possible path from among the infinite number possible within the larger bounding tube. Constricted areas represent locations of Lagrange points.
Artist’s concept of the Interplanetary Transport Network. The green ribbon represents one possible path from among the infinite number possible within the larger bounding tube. Constricted areas represent locations of Lagrange points. | Source: NASA

 *Click on images to go to sources

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