English Luna Moon

New Moon 11 March 2013 | Our Warp and Woof

We start New Moon weaving tomorrow and living it today

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 18 | Día Solar: 264 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 10/III/2013


Versión en castellano

Read previously: Full Moon February 25 2013

Drawn in Heaven > The Loom

Spinning is over (last Lunar month). Stars anticipate now The Loom to introduce the new momentum, multicolored and on its beginnings, it has just the fibers and colors intertwined with three lines woven; however, they are enough to define the rest of the fabric and now there’s nothing left but to proceed creating it.

This Lunar month (March 11 to April 9) predominates the intense labor to weave realities, with forces and potencies from the new Solar Phase starting this March 20 (Equinox). Once the warp is finished, we will live those realities during next Solar Phase (May 5).

Dos abejarucos, en Ariège, Francia. La hembra (izquierda) espera el alimento que le dará el macho. Fotógrafo: Pierre Dalous | Esta fotografía fue premiada con el primer lugar en Fotografia del Año 2012 Wikipedia
European Bee-eater, Ariège, France. The female (in front) awaits the offering which the male will make. | Best Picture 2012 Wikipedia


Dispositions from the Solar Giants > The Tailor-Made Warp

We will weave consciously the next turn by major dispositions and under clear instructions:

Obstacles emerging are moved to the otherness so during next manifested reality they return as bridges with easy access. These are the interactions of Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Pluto, pointing out that it’s not necessary to crash against barriers, rather ‘to weave’ the required bridges in order to overcome them; Uransu and Mars suggest how to make the transition to the other side: Move. “…walker there is no road, you make the road by walking…”

Unforeseen events coming form the otherness (Venus, Earth) are to be included as additional shades that give movement (life) to the fabric with Jupiter’s Inseminating Lightning, who along with Mars, Uranus and Saturn irradiate the frequencies of the times we are living. In daily life, it’s to look at everything coming our way wihout pondering as good or bad, simply translating them as color enriching the landscape of the fabric.

Shapes for realities we are weaving will come from the conjunction between Venus and Chiron: attracting what we desire.


Reproducción de telar ibero. VII Jornada de puertas abiertas del recinto arqueológico de Kelin. Paraje los Villares, Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia | Autor: Dorieo | 2 Octubre 2011
Reproducción de telar ibero. VII Jornada de puertas abiertas del recinto arqueológico de Kelin. Paraje los Villares, Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia | Autor: Dorieo | 2 Octubre 2011

Dispositions seen from Earth > Anticipating Realities

The call to anticipaate comes from Mars, which for this New moon is on the equinox degree, where the Earth will soon be (March 20), it’s a call to act before and not wait for reality to start, so that realities are us and not for others.

The required energy, the precise forces, coming from Mercury, which in spite of being retrograde, went back into the Sun’s place for last Full Moon and becomes full of its potencies: thing big, long term planning, be the future today so it reaches us tomorrow.

We will all be very close with a common reason gathering us, looking form Earth into heaven where several Solar neighbors will be in just 34 degrees: Neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Sun and Moon. These emanations were already unleashed, we have seen them clearly in the farewell ceremonies to Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and other events congregating many. Those are meetings that transcend the physical space, but in the otherness gathers many spaces linking them all under the same energy.


Telar Romano | Fotografia: hans Weingartz = Leonce49 | Pulsar en la imagen para más información
Telar Romano | Fotografia: hans Weingartz = Leonce49 | Pulsar en la imagen para más información

Emanations from the Moon > Consciously Transformed

Crossing the spaces of Aquarius and Pisces constellations, feeling she is the Sun, besides 9 Solar Giants in the VIP scenery, anticipating the Equinox, the Moon starts to be conscious of her own transformation, going from just an attached satellite to being part of something big, with sizes erased and deep meanings.

Conscious transformation takes her to live anticipating approaching realities, putting her own touch, giving each step conscious of her presence, knowing who she is and not just walking with the current, she is conscious where we are, but even more of where she wants to be. Weaver par excellence, Lady Moon has already woven and lived her warp ahead; now she will proceed to weave it in order to stamp it among the stars as her own landscape.

May we weave our tomorrow living it today!

Señora Yola Valencia experta tejedora en la tecnica de urdimbre complementaria de tela de doble cara propio de la región de Sorata en la Provincia Larecaja del Departamento de La Paz - Bolivia | Sept 2009 | Fotografía tomada por el Lic. Ruben Julio Chiara Valencia
Mrs Yola Valencia expert weaver in the technique of complementary warp with fabric of double face, typical of the Sorata region in the province of Larecaja, La Paz – Bolivia | Sept 2009 | Photo taken by Lic. Ruben Julio Chiara Valencia

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