English Luna Moon

Full Moon 12 July 2014 | 180º after

The swift pirouette sitting us with the mstery and in 180 days from today

Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 2 | Día Solar:  19 | Día Lunar:  14 | Gregoriano:  9/VII/2014

Greetings, before proceeding it’s essential to read last New Moon 27 June in order to understand this Full Moon

Remember also the three big waves that brought us here:

Pulses impregnating us with eras de-materialized
Jupiter tucking us in with uncertainties until August
The last solstice waking up mysteries


[colored_box title=”besides waves removing conditions on this lunar month” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]

Drawn in Heavens (signs): The Ship, many moons have gone by and we still do not know what it is, perhaps mystery will reveal

Dispositions from the Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): The Swift Pirouette, a 180º turn that will sit us down with our wish, there in the future we wanted. It has already arrived.

Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we see around us): Rejection, for no one wishes to leave the comfort of habits nor the perfidy of neglect

Lunar Month 27 June – 25 July (our sensations): Perplexity, this was neither programmed nor allowed or accepted. It was fiction, legend, imagination… but it’s sitting with us

Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Distrust, because it’s so good to be true it scares or because the unknown terrifies us

Lunar Phases: New Moon 27 June 08:09 | Crescent Moon 5 July 11:59 | Full Moon 12 July 11:25 | Waning Moon 19 July 02:08  (Times are in UT-Universal Time)

Las Pichitankas, New Moon 27 June 2014



We are sliding down the Swift Pirouette,
thwarted by Jupiter connecting each and everyone
of the vortex from the Solar System, including ours.

As soon as they are connected, mystery unfolds
with the complicity of Neptune dragging along Uranus and Saturn:
somersault and we move forward 180º. Future came for us.

A jump in the road of 180 days
even if the calendar says July it’s January,
we are in that future that came already made.


Yes, theory will say there is no Wednesday without Monday and Tuesday,
but time is not linear nor wish is its slave,
those 180 steps were already taken and does not matter where (conjunction Mercury, Chiron).

Sitting with us mystery smiles
advising that even if we are turned another 180º
we already know about it and will not be disguised again.

Looking around will not be looking at reality and it will disorient us,
resistance intensifies and habit defies.
Looking at mystery with future included will be refreshing and energizing.


They will say Sun and Moon will stop Jupiter,
that Mars is in war with Uranus,
and the favourite justification: this is a thing of the devil…

Though any devastation will be at the risk of their authors
for none is written and nature is on vacation.
Enjoy your pirouette and live your mystery instead of perplexity.

Under the swift pirouette powers cancel out each other,
and there are no powers that are such if they have to force things to be so.
Entering through perplexity and leaving through mystery it will be known we have arrived.

Wolf-Rayet Star 124: Stellar Wind Machine, Image Credit: Hubble Legacy Archive, NASA, ESA - Processing & Licence: Judy Schmidt

The Moon already took her Swift Pirouette and is 180º from today,
many still with distrust winning over tomorrow already here
and apprehensive before mystery revealing under their noses.

After a pirouette may we meet again in 180º!

*Click on images to go to sources