English Luna Moon

New Moon 28 May 2014 | Uncertainty Principle

New Lunar Month stirring in us the certainty of uncertainty

Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 21 | Día Solar: 340 | Día Lunar: 28 | Gregoriano: 26/V/2014

Greetings. This flight – just like everyone is – comes under the auspice of that big wave of uncertainty putting disheveling composure.

Where do we come from? From impregnation that arrived with last Full Moon (14 May 2o14) and under the command of Pluto and Venus will be bathing us at least during 7 lunar months more.

Besides those impregnations, we are pulsed by decodings that sail us through the solar stretch from 5 May to 20 June 2014.

And from the same Full Moon we come taking the pulse to absent power: the New Power detached from daily life and took Earth to its heights” and also to watch realities to see where they are flowing to.

Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Uncertainty

Another wave comes from the Solar System, lasting until the solar phase we will navigate next August and it’s commanded by Giant Jupiter stirring institutions until we are left living realities reflecting anything but certainties.

The wave will ride just like the Principle of Uncertainty, without knowing its position much less what moment is this. Most important, it will go through divesting of power to those or that which just until now held it supposedly.

That wave of uncertainty, is not announcing riots, nor conflicts, nor confrontations, rather fosters decay and although conflicts can be a result form this, it’s irreversible that power changed hands and it’s handled in other ways, although we still do not know which and for that we will be impregnated with pulses (wave from Pluto and Venus) until we do our thing, until only by living it we will make it possible and part of our daily life.


Decay caused by uncertainty (interactions Neptune, Earth, Mars and Jupiter) in this case is not a contemptuous term, it’s an imperturbable process unfolding autonomously and there is nothing more to do but wait it happens, in quantum spaces where exalted particles (or substitute the word by any process observed) are in search of their stability by releasing energy and becoming other particles or another particle.

That is, not even the new power may establish it by decree, it can only impregnate seeds and wait until it unfolds. Something like particle decay. During that period caused by decay, uncertainty is the state of instability. Or, as Juan Pablo Piñero tells it, regarding the transformation from barley to malt waiting the germination process unfolds in “La Fiesta de la Cruz, De estrellas, constelaciones, germinaciones, transformaciones y algunos rituales y ceremonias andinas” .

In this concert of uncertainties, the Earth (and therefore us) has the lead role, in her unreachable role along with power as well as during decay during the transformation process.

Key: Assimilate the uncertainty not as an attack, rather as the process of transformation of the state or process observed.


Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we will see in our surroundings): Disheveled Composure

Looking at the solar system from Earth, where we see appearances and not realities, it seems that in the process of divesting of power a certain balance is introduced. Appearances. The wave of uncertainty introduces unbalances, we are sailing a very unstable stretch. The misunderstood appearances:

  • Last Full Moon (14 May) interactions of Mars, Pluto and Jupiter aiming at Uranus were interpreted as the ideal moment to challenge changes. It did not work.
  • For the New Moon interactions of Jupiter, Mars and Uranus aiming at Pluto are understood as the opportunity for a new counter-attack. It will go nowhere.
  • The 45º overturn against the tide, trying to force the course of things, bounces and weakens. They find the emptiness for power is not where they expected to seize it.

The manifested wave of uncertainties already among us with influences channeled by this New Moon, programmed in the calendar for the 28th, but arriving each time earlier than expected, arrived with strong winds almost with hurricane force that dishevels composure.

Disheveling even composure, drawing on faces bewilderment and subduing to the level of subordinates, or dependents, or uncertain…


It was reflected in several events almost consecutive, where uncertainty is evidenced, decay towards transformation, divesting of power as well as absence of power still not in sight, leaving many disheveled and with composure soaking.

  • European Union Parliamentary Elections where those who had power no longer hold it, but those who gained ground don’t either.
  • France and Great Britain for those elections have a rise for the extreme right, but power they do not have
  • In Greece, the left is at the top, but is not able to handle power
  • European traditional power still have the top places, but are not in command anymore
  • In spite of shaking for institutions with ground gained by extreme right, they shook even more because the aura of power left from all coordinates
  • Institutions that had command like the EU, received a shouting without mercy from a 60% absenteeism saying it’s no longer power even if it keeps on writing laws
  • Thailand coup in spite of force and power seized, the regime is already shaking
  • In Ukraine, national elections were gained with low levels of participation by a business branch which supports the extreme right in power, with a billionaire candidate and with no guarantee it can exercise power, let’s hope it’s not with bombardments
  • In Colombia the opposition gains ground also with high levels of absenteeism, but it’s not enough and the second ballot is coming
  • In Venezuela, two municipalities are gained by the opposition with a high percentage of participation, but gives them no power to change status in the country
  • The head of the Vatican prays in the wall dividing Israel and Palestine in the map, but gives him no authority to exercise power
  • Elections in Egypt had such a low turnout that they extended balloting for a third day…


Beyond political pondering and returning to waves sailing us, power is still absent. A power that is such by recognition, identification and out of respect by those who hold it. That is not present. Institutions, including election as well as political, financial, legislative, etc, are not seen as authority. Composure disheveled before uncertainty, realities undergo the decay until they are transformed.

However, this transformation is not given by decree nor in shootouts less with gun recoils… interested parties will have to wait until people decide to give them authority, recognizing them and identifying with them. And that is an imperturbable process which will unfold by experience, by impregnation and incorporation to daily life. Meanwhile, power is in different hands, far away from daily life and disheveled those who were authorities, but now are just occupying chairs.

Lunar Month 28 May – 26 June (our sensations): Moved

Uncertainties stir us up deep down, decay take us into apprehension, identifications are about to impregnate life, taking the pulse we comb with our own life and life herself moves us with absences.

Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Shivering Moved

Doña Lunais highly sensitive, not from cold nor fear, she is moved. Necessity to impregnate with these times, to look for her place in the spaces dwelling, the inner battle to be herself and not the imposition, to find her path with her own sleeping battles and the commotion caused by feeling again after being asleep… all that puts her in emotional states that shiver moved discovering eras may well give birth to hearts but also to many other things. Eras are giving birth, although we do not know to what.

Shivering moved we will keep on, Maybe yes if we are there. Maybe not if we are absent. But anyway we will be. Principle of Uncertainty…

May we be moved feeling again!

*Click on images to go to sources