Eclipses English

Eclipse May 20 2012 | Between The Leap and Seizure

Eclipse May 20 2012 | Between The Leap and Seizure

Versión en castellano

For data on time and visibility on the eclipse see this link. To watch it, there is a project that will have it live from Mount Fuji and we give you more links to watck it live:

Cosmic movements for this Lunar month (May 20 to June 18) > In heavens the Barge of the Black Dragon is drawn, around and through us The Initiator changes the location of our magnetic centers, we feel it but do not look at it, we are busy with The Co-Optation shaking power spheres in the planet and we walk emotionally like the Moon: desolate inside and hurtful on the outside. Also busy with the Second Wave from the Quest Journeys and living what was anticipated by December 2010 and January 2011 eclipses. All this you will find with greater detail on Las Pichitankas last flight.

That change on the magnetic vortex is a Quantum Leap from one state to another, sudden and without a gradual process taking to it. A powerful energy shooting off at great speed disappearing from our sight and changing the rhythm of all energies reached on its way, happens many times and it’s not unusual in the nature of things. However, this Quantum Leap coming with this eclipse and anchoring with The Initiator has a greater scope, not only does it wrap the planet or the solar vicinity, we loose it on the hugeness surrounding the galaxy, has an inconceivable origin and final destiny is out of boundaries.

It will change the location and direction of oscillations from the magnetic vortex in the planet, also a change on the bodies we inhabit, not only because our fluctuation levels are high (70% water), but also because we ourselves are flowing energy and that will mean having to synchronize again to external flows governing us. In biological terms, we could say it’s something like a change in Circadian Rhythms or oscillations at regular intervals in time.

It sounds familiar, because daily our oscillations are interrupted or affected by surrounding fluctuations, but we have forgotten what that means considering the levels of stridency we have around us and we identify more with what we see and noise destabilizing us that with our fluctuating nature.

It’s possible to remember what quantum leaps are like – although they are not of the magnitude we are going through now – with the last returns of the eclipse, remembering our experiences and which of those that had a quantum leap took us to flow in totally different oscillations  from our daily life (see in this link return dates for the eclipse). It’s also possible to live consciously the Quantum Leap living our unseen worlds where we flow consciously or not.

If that’s the case, we would be breaking the charm that made us unconscious to oscillations and introduced us into other dimensions that feed from unspeakable monstrosities, as it was detailed on Historical Patterns Eclipse May 20 2012,  and it’s most likely we would not have to walk feeling around in order to interpret the meaning of The Pleiades forgotten history.

The Co-optation we’ll be watching from the planet, where we do not get tired to repeat that we see appearances and not what it is, will invade us leaving us frightened, even this apparent walk of the Sun and Moon through the lands of The Pleiades involved on an eternal plot of persecution to the guardians fo the worlds, in another chapter of the endless soap opera of submission and horror replacing forgotten history. If you want to go deeper on The Pleiades through astronomy click on this link and on this one there is plenty of information on their meaning within the cultures of the peoples.

Certainly, from the geocentric viewpoint (looking at space form the Earth) it seems as if the Sun is in conjunction with the Moon in alignment with The Pleiades. This meeting, to mention it somehow, beyond astronomical and astrological circumstances, has also been related to arqueoastronomy, and the interest of researchers from several disciplines on the connections of archaeological remains; of course also around the year 2012.

We suggest visiting this page that made a great effort at illustrating the eclipse and information on The Pleiades; also this one locating the Solar System as the eight system of suns on Taurus constellation turning around Alcione: the Pleiadan spiral, you can see its illustration to the right; and last this one has an approach through Teotihuacán and its alignment on the zenith twice a year with The Pleiades, besides its relationship with Earth’s precession, the eclipse on May 20 and 2012.

Since the ancient times of the centuries we remember, The Pleiades are part of daily life for most of the peoples – even way before writing was ‘fashion’ – with different names, meanings and relations on both hemispheres of the planet: clock in heavens to start harvest, the dark and light half of the year, the start of the year or the beginning of sailing season, the arrival of frosts or heat waves, sicknes and many other, some coming from the knowledge of natural laws governing us and some others from co-optation that un-draws history.

What’s left in common from The Pleaides in all peoples is number 7, and even an 8 or 9 dwelling in unseen worlds; a femenine nature; the guardians of something valuable, not necessarily tangible and that others wish to have; the presence of water. This brings back the memory of number which is nothing else but the representation of the paths crossed by energy in movement unfolding in spirals and marking geometrical forms that transforms into shapes, sounds and colors through its oscillations. And after a certain number of transformations, a quantum leap emerges taking those flows to other dimensions where vibration is different but existence continues.

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