English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Solstice 21 June 2023


Neither by repeating will the North be heard
turning around, nor the South starting a round.
Known coordinates without a map.

Though you will hear, see, feel the bubbles
of turquoise waters galloping.
They will fill our skies, airs and rivers.

Half swirling, half gliding,
stagnant waters will give way
to the crystalline. Turquoise molecules.

Sailing lands giving birth
seas of crystalline waters.
Stagnant waters will soon have been.

Tunnels, avenues, currents
full of turquoise waters.
Turning but not stagnating.

Aridity thirsty in the soul
will open up to the turquoise waters.
Filling itself with the forgotten.

/| \

New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Solstice 21 June 2023 14:58UT  – First days of August 2023
Southern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice |Rebirth | Yule
Northern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice |Reproduction| Lytha