English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Quarter August 2023





From this journey, seeds will end up
fecundated to the South, and,
to the North, flows regenerated.

Special winds will blow
speaking softly during carelessness
as one who whispers delicacy.

Spectators will awake from lethargy,
returned protagonists recovering
their decisions idled by haste.

We will sail sidereal waters full
of passages to unmentionable worlds,
source of unfathomable mysteries.

Novelties will arrive disguised
of daily life, familiar, commonplace,
unseen while we run in haste.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
First days of August until Equinox September 2023
Southern Hemisphere: First Quarter |Fecundation | Imbolg
Northern Hemisphere: Third Quarter |Regeneration| Lammas-Lughnassadh