English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Quarter August 2022


Invited or not, willingly or not,
dragged or pushed we are already
on the next turn of the wheel.

Fecundating the South that soil
gives away even more life, regenerating
the North for more sprouts are coming.

A stretch turned turns turning,
even biased, for turning we will,
fecundating and regenerating for life turns.

If we turn off guilt, we will see where we are,
if there is luck, we shut up and listen,
if we take our hands, we will not be alone.

Something will sound like starting once more,
something will burst out to be again,
something will come out rejoicing.

COncealing under the fragrance,
that red scarf will sing
with velvety voice.

Confusing swan, stork and goose
will not open the Argo Navis labyrynth.
We will drink the turn away.

For its flavour will distill your drops,
for its sweat will recognize your will,
for its wisdom will turn life once it is.

Turning we will turn turned in turning turns.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
First days of August 2022 until Equinox September 2022
Southern Hemisphere: First Quarter |Fecundation | Imbolg
Northern Hemisphere: Third Quarter |Regeneration| Lammas-Lughnassadh