English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: New Solar Phase February 2020



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Candela, mother of mothers, rocks
her aqueous fire sprinkling
the drops with rose marbles.

Her sparks decorate the sea
of seas while the spin
intones another season.

That of water, of aqueous fire,
of regenerating, of fecundating,
the one engendering tides.

Worlds of colossus. Their power
ignite and even smallness
swells dizzying its manners.

Aquatic luminous lands of
beings banned by the myth
of oceans returning by tides.

Abut them, history will not speak,
pens and bards do not draw
the stele from the sea of seas.

Candela, rocking her aqueous fire
turns and smiles. She already rocked,
fecundated and regenerated the sea of seas.

History was already. Remaining only
the echo of her tides and the
reflection of her fire on the seas.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Last days of January and first days of February until 20 March 2020
Southern Hemisphere: Third Quarter | Regeneration | Lammas Lughnasad
Northern Hemisphere: First Quarter | Fecundation | Imbolg