English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: New Solar Phase 20 March – 04 May 2019


Through this stretch, power lovers will
go around obfuscated asking where it went.
Not lived, not seen, does not happen.

Through these places, experiences of those
who lived will be, of those who made them
happen and left nightmares soaking.

Through these barely seen lands we’ll
cross and breath from our experiences,
then what happens will be clearly seen.

From this stretch, under the chemistry of balance
in the South and germination in the North, we will
remember sidereal navigation without a landscape.

From the passage through these semi-dark lands
will remain written not what others write,
rather what’s done to make it happen.

From this journey where almost nothing is seen,
seems nothing is happening and there’s nothing there,
we’ll know nothingness is not and everything happens.

It will be by their buzz, terrifyingly mute
and suggestively provocative, that we’ll catch
how much is really going on here or could happen.

It will be like a call to live, whatever so
it happens, be there not to think about it,
instead of wishing having the experience.

It will be by experiences, from experiences,
within experiences; then semidarkness will
reveal illuminated experienced landscapes.


Wheel of Life New Solar Phase:
20March – 04MAY (approx.) Source
Southern Hemisphere: Balance | Mabon | Autumn Equinox
Northern Hemisphere: Germination | Ostara | Spring Equinox