English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Equinox 22 September 2020


Beyond the frontiers of the visible
territories of our solar journey
reflects silvered mountains on stanby.

Made of clay in dormant state
awaiting for the echo from passers-by
to mould with their resonance.

The air sprinkled with its clay grains,
carriers of pyramid ships which
once activated embody those echoes.

Echoes of thoughts which sometimes
are dreams, sometimes intentions,
sometimes humours. Moulding we pass-by.

We mould giving shape to our wishes,
sculpting even those small details
which draw the smile of a tomorrow.

Moulding for us or moulding us
ominous designs only due to absences.
We mould warming up numbness.

From this journey, little will be written.
Stipulated moulds in series will be not
due to the avalanche of our moulds.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
22 September 13:31  to first days of November 2020
Southern Hemisphere: Spring Equinox | Germination | Ostara
Northern Hemisphere: Autumn Equinox | Balance | Mabon