English Panoramas

Remember millions and millions of years of our forgotten history


Remembering gives us back millions and millions of years of our forgotten history. History not told by winners but by yourself. And the deeper you go, dissolution starts for supposedly historic facts that left us with a short and distorted view of who we are, like:

  • Man on Earth on has 5 thousand years
  • We ‘learned’ to write only some thousand years ago
  • The wheel was ‘probably invented’ only 8 thousand years ago before our era
  • Today’s scientific and technological progress are the most advanced in humankind
  • ‘Discoveries’ of continents

Given that memory is no one’s property and less of those who wrote history, we are finding evidence millions and millions of years of forgotten history, Las Pichitankas announced it in many flights and we refresh that memory to maintain the search for ourselves:


Do you still consider that computers are the great ‘invention’ of the last decades? Before we go into millions and millions of years ago, let’s make our first stop not too long ago, year 87 before our era, an astronomical computer: Antykythera. Here you have three links to read more about it:

I hope this is the beginning of dissolving those awkward approaches like ‘ancient people adored the Sun’.

Niña/Child 3.3 million years skull
Child skull 3.3 million years old

Now let’s go millions and millions of years back. Fortunately it is no longer possible to affirm that ‘human’ species are recent. A girl 3.3 million years confirms it in Ethiopia’s territories, see it yourself here.


5-15 million years footprint of a man that walked upright - Bolivia

Is it too close 3.3 million years yet? OK, let’s go between 5 and 15 million years ago, with a human footprint found in Bolivia, see further information here. Keep in mind that this changes not only how long we have been on the planet, but also evolution theories since that footprint belonged to a man that walked upright, or also about the ‘conquer’ of American continents, the changing form of continents, accepting that among people who maintain their roots there is remembered history like with this footprint recognized as historical legacy from their ancestors, no legend, and obviously millions and millions of years of forgotten history waiting for us.


Esferas metálicas de hace 2,800 millones de años hechas por el hombre
Esferas metálicas de hace 2,800 millones de años hechas por el hombre

Man made metalic spheres 2,800 million years old

If 15 million years ago kind of sounds too much, hold on because this trip reaches 2,800 million years. Las Pichitankas told it like this:

“In 2005 the spacecraft Cassini boradcasted an image of Saturn’s Moon, Iapetus, which was newness since in 1950 Chesley Bonestell gave form to this moon with detail on an artwork, highlighting solid geometrical formations. Besides that, in 1993, the book Forbidden Archeology informs that in 1982, mine excavations in South Africa found hundreds of manmade metallic spheres, fibrose inside, covered by a metal that not even steel could penetrate and, as old as TWO THOUSHAND EIGHT HUNDRED MILLIONS YEARS… There is more. This sphere with three grooves on the equator, has an almost exact similarity with the image taken by Cassini recently in 2005. By the way, Iapetus in Greek mithology is Prometheus’ father, ‘Maker of Humankind’.” Find more information on metalic spheres here

Una de las esferas metálicas y Japeto - One of the metalic spheres and Iapetus
One of the metalic spheres and Iapetus

Certainly, this trip into our forgotten history is just a glimpse to existent evidence. Not only there is much more for those who search for it, but there are millions and millions of years of your forgotten history if you decide to remember who you are.

All contents and illustrations in Los Bosques have the purpose to reactivate your memory and if you want to go deeper:

  •  Start Reminiscence Sessions Just a few with guidance and then you will remember to do it by yourself and forever.

And if you already remember forgotten history, share with us to strengthen our memory.