English Luna Moon

New Moon and Solar Eclipse 3 November 2013 Revealed Identities

New Moon moody, solar eclipse revealing identities and solar phase lifting the veil on the hidden

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 7 | Día Solar: 133 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 31/X/2013


Versión en castellano 


Greetings. We bring the New Moon, Solar Eclipse and New Solar Phase. Triad.


The New Moon this November 3 at 12:50 UT (08:50 BOL) brings changing emotions; not unstable but colorful and we will feel on a roller coaster of emotions.

Add to this the Hybrid Solar Eclipse that approximately three minutes before will be on its greatest intensity at 12:46:28.6 UT, bringing its own emanations: Revealed Identities which will make us look into our deep imprints and footprints, those that exceed realities or make them look small. Emanations causing that on each person arise seals, ways and patterns that are above the realities we live, above conventions that we learned, above of what is considered ‘normal’ on each corner.

This eclipse started turning us on March 7, 1617 (Saros 143) and was born on a timeline that makes visible identities above any of those acquired social or culturally, as well as any other learned.

They arise spontaneously, without a previous thought process and we live them almost in automatic. Footprints that are us, beyond time and space. Footprints that without a name and last name walk with us and many times we do not even know they are our marks.

A sample that we find on this eclipse in 1617 is the

Portada_de_la_Historia_General_del_Peru_-_1617A sample that we find on this eclipse in 1617 is the Segunda Parte de los Comentarios Reales by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and also known as Historia General del Perú. Beyond what their pages tell us about history, beyond what’s fact, history or the optics applied, emanations from this eclipse are shown in the author’s attitudes through its lines, where we can see his deep footprints revealing identities, beyond existing ‘categories’, which become visible as they take position on facts or trying to justify them.

On the other hand, this eclipse, comes hand in hand with the last eclipse on October 18 (Hybridations), joining their timeline on hybrids, causing identities to reveal through hybrids in transition to their next transformation.

On Inca Garcilaso de la Vega’s work hybridations come to light through his positions before his Spaniard ancestry on his father’s side and those of his mother who was indigenous, showing contradictory feelings, but under this eclipse emanations are deep footprints making themselves visible while they are through hybrid transition.

Certainly hybridations along with deep footprints revealing, bring along with both eclipses the reconsideration of identities or at least a ‘re-visitation’ ro ratify ourselves beyond realities as ourselves and way beyond conventional categories that far away from determining make a good job limiting us.

These deep footprints simply emerging come from the innermost of our self and walk with us beyond time and space. And these footprints revealing and rebelling meet with other acquired footprints, reasonable considering it’s hard to fit into these constraining categories as well as getting out of concepts that exceed realities. This at the personal level.

In wider contexts, this eclipse unleashes several tides, they come and go, make things bigger and smaller, waves and waves without a beginning and without an end; tides revealing, confirming assumptions or suspicions, lifting the veil.

An illustration of these tides at the global level are all those revelations started with the Snowden case, they do not have a beginning for they were always there even though they were not recognized but we all knew, nor do they have an end for neither revelations nor actions cease, they come and go for they are not actions coming from just one source but at the end from all those involved.


There are other ways to look at emanations from revealed identities on this eclipse, for example, those big causes against and in favor that have always been there, like hunger or violence, and we do not see a near end. But that’s a task for each one of us. We can start by looking among our memories or how we lived our revealed identities on the last returns of this eclipse depending on our age, then with those memories identify the energies living us now or that will start in the coming days:  1995 OCT 24 | 1977 OCT 12 | 1959 OCT 2 | 1941 SEP 21. Further down you can find additional data on visibility and possibilities to look at the eclipse live online.

Now, we have to reveal the identities of this New Moon and Hybrid Solar Eclipse with the Dispositions from Solar Giants unfolding already. We can see Mercury that just passed through the Earth’s navigating airs and brought the message for our identities to emerge, while triangulating us along with Mars and Saturn to address our personal as well as learned identities we lived: a crash, contradictory feelings, opposed positions with our selves or anything trying to erase our deep footprints.

On the other hand, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto also triangulate us with the big ones disputing the supremacy of our times (since last Full Moon) reinventing realities so that hybrids in full development are what they wish interrupting their natural process of transformation, intensifying revelations that come in headlines each time more sensationalist than the last one.


But if we armor ourselves, under the emanations of the Armored Bridge coming from Neptune, Chiron and Venus, we can go through this stretch. It’s enough to be conscious that any obstacle or attack we find is just an attempt to make us believe we are something else and not our deep footprints which will never be erased.

And for this, Mercury along with Pluto reinforce the Armored Bridge impregnating Mars and Saturn so as not to yield before the insecurities nor troubled waters, storms are that… temporary.

Another way to armor ourselves is to ride the timeline of the New Solar Phase starting this November 7 at 06:07 UT (Source), its emanations are already turning on us, with the Earth soon reaching the middle point between last equinox and next solstice, Growth on the Southern Hemisphere and Appeasement on the Northern Hemisphere, Beltane for the South and Samhain for the North. You can align to this solar phase in the Northern Hemisphere here and here for the Southern Hemisphere. And on Halloween you will find several links here.

And with this Solar phase, until December 20 we will walk under the influences of what is not said but exists, what is but is hidden, what does not exist but lives, what is disguised but not lost. In summary, life lived in silence but yelling through the footprints left with each step.

When this phase is over, we will have disposed of history built with convenient hybrids and we will start to live other contents, historical as well as cultural ones, that depending on us will be built as hybrids that reached their transformation without interruption or hybrids imposed taking advantage of our distraction and inventing histories of pasts that never existed and futures that will never arrive.

From the Earth, where we always see the apparent and not realities, we will feel almost trapped before the stunning aura of the also apparent encounter among the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn. Seems like they are meeting, they seem so big and we feel like ants before what we see. It’s just appearance.


In invisible worlds, the Earth and us on top of her, along with Mars give the ideal battle: the one that is not confronted but reveals itself with all its folds, footprints and identities, expanding its colors and tripling its force, with such conviction that all obstacles, attacks or tricks take a step back.

Beyond predictions, prophecies and other interested positions that take advantage to spread fear, a ‘hybrid’, whether it’s the eclipse or any other thing, is not strange, the world, nature, everything, yes everything, is a hybrid that comes from something else to become another thing for we all are in constant transformation. Hybrid is not a category.

SolarEclipse2013Nov03HEnjoy this hybrid solar eclipse, its emanations as well as its astronomical phenomena. It will be seen as total or annular depending where you see it. “Totality will be visible from the northern Atlantic Ocean (east of Florida) to Africa (Gabon (landfall), R. Congo, DR Congo, Uganda), with maximum of 1 minute and 39 seconds visible from the Atlantic Ocean south of Ivory Coast and Ghana”. Additional information on this link and this article: Partial Solar Eclipse Sunday Morning, Nov. 3rd, or, wath it online live here: Rare ‘Hybrid’ Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013: How to See It

May your identities fly free and your footprints reveal!

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