English Luna Moon

New Moon 6 August 2013 and New Solar Phase 7 August

New Lunar Month making us feel time’s caprices and the New Solar Phase triangulating times

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 1 | Día Solar: 46 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 5/VIII/2013


Versión en castellano 


And we are back… singing to Bolivia its August 6th (Independence Day), announcing the new Lunar Month, hence the New Moon, plus the New Solar Phase.

These are the tides we came from and the ones we are going to:

21 June | Solstice > Three worlds arrive to cohesion point and start merging. We felt lost for we could not understand the surrounding landscapes. Three worlds met and together they rotated; none of them abandoned the direction of its own movement.

8 July to 5 August | Last Lunar Month > Ages went through times in order to reach the merging of the three worlds.The impossible made possible, the ancient made modern and incoherences turned coherent. Squeeze bones and shapes pulling each other among worlds made us feel pain, physical and emotional. If we would live the unseen, we would see multicolored gases attracted towards a center, something like the next image of the Horsehead Nebula.

Hubble Sees a Horsehead of a Different Color

6 August to 4 September | New Lunar Month > Channeling the tides of the next Solar Phase (August 7), the Moon will make us feel obstinately creative, to the extent of wanting to change all landscapes, all situations, even life if we could receiving the forces from Pluto, The Transformer. Mars, Jupiter and Lilith (another triad meeting) will activate the Triangulation of Encounters, sometimes colliding, sometimes connecting, but above all and in spite of stubbornness and brilliance, we will perceive out of the absolute, the remaining frame for other ways which are not on the manual. The New Moon comes in Tuesday, August 6 at 21: 51 UT.

7 August to 21 September | New Solar Phase > Fecundation  in the Southern Hemisphere and Regeneration to the North in our navigation around the Sun. It starts Wednesday 7 at 08:21 UT (Source ). Features for this stretch for both hemispheres: Triangulation of the Encounters, where times meet and create intermediate scales allowing merging worlds to adequate, sponsored in turn by another two encounters: Venus with Saturn and Mars with Jupiter. Between pause, advance and resistance, we will see without looking giants waling in the skies. Almost towards the end of this stretch and without realizing, we will know that times are clocks and may also work as we like.

May we find, out of worlds or within them, our own worlds!

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