English Moon

New Moon 30 August 2019

Arriving with the New Moon tides: calibrating oscillations

Phases of the Lunar Month (UT):
30 AUG 10:37 New Moon
06 SEP 03:10 Crescent Moon
14 SEP 04:33 Full Moon
22 SEP 02:41 Waning Moon

Restrain to the unrestrained came in late. Restrained were rampant races; ravages were not.

Plus, projected into far aways by sidereal territories, agendas changed.

Confusion is so perfect that it resembles a work of art, maneuver and artifice. Rules of the game became void.

Heliocentrically, calibrations are already oscillating for the new guides arriving next Full Moon. Other rules, moulds, templates are taking shape, prepared by Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Pluto.

Earth (us*) is not part of the calibrations and with the help of different tides (Neptune), is opposed to go ahead without assuming the consequences of ravages.

Also geocentrically, Earth (us*) besides being affected by strategies, strategists and ravages, positions herself outside of the new guides, rules and games. First, resolve ravages.

Around her, and ours, march the alleged novelties from last Full Moon mix together with apparent solutions that promise to adapt into new guides (interactions of Saturn and Uranus with Mercury, then Venus, and finally with Mars which is in conjunction with the Sun and Moon).

In the middle of that, Neptune with Lilith burst in opposing oscillations and calibrations, bringing to light with unusual speed stratagems, maneuvers and artifices from ravages and new guides, rules and templates.

Sensations on Earth (us*) obviously are distrustful and suspect even of the sunrise. Fortunately.

While on the contrary, her emotions (and ours), vulnerable due to ravages caused, will be shared prodigally, well meant, even conciliatory. Restrain is needed so as not to fall into the game others play, camouflaged maybe behind nonexistent solidarities.

The key for the Earth (us*) is to stop playing the scapegoat of other people’s agenda and use again the pass into far aways, which are on the airs of these sidereal territories. Change of agenda into one of your own. Urgently!

Continue considering current eclipses. One snatching and the other one disguising realities.

We will be back soon.

*If it happens to the Earth therefore it happens to us, does not mean we are the Earth, rather since we are on her, we act following the flows she emanates, which due to reasons of size, volume and outreach obviously wrap us around. And, so much so if we consider that any discharge or turbulence on her, also shakes us up.