English Luna Moon

New Moon 22 December 2014

New Lunar month bringing The Vertiginous that we will feel when it’s gone

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 13 | Día Solar: 183 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 19/XII/2014

Versión en castellano

The vertiginous coiling through the solstice axes and the vertiginous airs of the New Moon
where the key is to be aware of the new spaces we opened while we acted.

[colored_box title=”The last two eclipses still flowing through us:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]The influence of an eclipse can be considered 6 months before and after its date[/colored_box]



Eclipse October 8 
Building blocks which
multiply in fractals
(just like a chain reaction)



Eclipse October 23 2014
Folds hiding parts
of reality without ceasing to exist
(naturally or by manipulation)


[colored_box title=”From Solstice to Solstice:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]Solar phases we crossed while navigating on the planet around the Sun[/colored_box]



Mystery wakes up on us Solstice 21 June 2014



We visited its kingdoms 7 Aug – 22 Sep 2014 



Returned sense into us Equinox 23 Sep 2014



Gave us back dignity 7 Nov – 20 Dec 2014



The Vertiginous in Our Axes-  Solstice 21 Dec 2014

[colored_box title=”And The Last Three Moons:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]

which channeled the major tides with the Wind of Mobility[/colored_box]


Full Moon Nov 6 2014 



New Moon 22 Nov 2014



Full Moon 6 Dec 2014


[colored_box title=”other tides traversing us this lunar month” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]
Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Vertiginous Airs
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we will see): Close but separated
Lunar Month November 22 December to 19 January (Our sensations): Precaution
Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Accurate in the presence of vacillation
Moon Phases: New Dec 22 01:36 Crescent Dec 28 18:31 Full Jan 5 04:53 Waning Jan 13 09:47


We can see clearly now how Mercury and Earth prepared
during the last Full Moon joining in one axis Shakes
and the Wind of Mobility to be vertiginous flows
in order to make the task easy for the Earth and the whole Solar System.

That big is the mission of this planet for this Lunar month
that from the solstice axis will form another axis with Venus
consolidating in Saturn to radiate The Vertiginous
inserting belts, shields or veils also.

450px-Caduceus_Detail_Of_Giuseppe_Morettis_1922_Bronze_Hygeia_Memorial_To_World_War_Medical_Personnel_Pittsburgh_PA (1)

Meandering the axes, which are also from another world,
even if the stature is not enough, we will have acted vertiginously,
with the axis, as axis and from the axis radiating vertiginously.

That’s the key to recognize The Vertiginous reached us,
the insertion left in our lives as a space
and becomes the point of reference in everything we do.


From the Earth, we will not see The Vertiginous looking outward,
for we carry it inside, it acts through the axes, it’s not about looking but acting,
closeness, coming together and those close remain as ornament.

The conjunction of Sun and Moon just marks the New Moon. They are not close.
Same with the one of Venus and Pluto which is already past. Closeness of those four
and supposedly Mercury along with them is almost an optical illusion.


Such is the case of those headlines coming early vertiginously,
we can be together, close, but it’s not time for unions,
the centrifugal force from The Vertiginous separates, takes apart, scatters sideways.

Each axis tries to be its own axis, not the other one’s nor with the other,
that’s why this month’s sensations will make us look with precaution,
that’s why the Moon’s emotions and ours will be accurate in the presence of vacillation.

May we distinguish vertiginously from the axes!

Read also: Solstice 21 December 2014

*Click on images to go to source