English Wheel of Life

Mother Nature in Spring Equinox


  • Versión en español

“Following the origins of Spring Equinox celebrations, we will always reach the Goddess of Fertility, under the name that each people give her. In these territories, follow the Virgin of Rosario and you will reach Koya Raymi; in the North, walk the legacy of Eastern eggs and you will find Ostara from the Nordic people. Beyond historical ascertainments, listen to the echo of life flowing through its spots changing vests though not the essence.

Putting special attention to what sprouts in our lives these days it’s possible to reveal what will potentially vibrate for us the rest of this Solar Cycle, and for none will be unnoticed the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People that germinated after two decades”.

Published before in Las Pichitankas | Ciclo 4, Vuelo 7 |22 de septiembre del 200