English Luna Moon

Full Moon January 9 2011 | Antiquities Revealed and Denunciations

Full Moon energies (Jan 9 2011) to synchronize with flows weaving us

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 16 | Día Solar: 201 | Día Lunar: 15 | Gregoriano: 7/1/12

Greetings. We are already returning to the start ( Southern Hem.) or journeying the new journey (Northern Hem.) since last solstice (Dec 22 2011),  although we will still slide down with its energies until February 3, and for the next two weeks we will still travel the energies of the Lunar month, starting with the Full Moon on January 9 (07:30UT).

It’s recommended to read previously the New Moon (Dec 24 2011) that started the Lunar month.

Solar Dispositions

1. Last 3 years one after another > They gave us a bath for last New Moon in a single puff with everything that was pending or suspended through the interactions among Earth, Pluto and Uranus. Now with the Full Moon those situations looking for definition and seeing they will not be able to depend upon our decision, will look by themselves to prevail on our lives,  coming to conflict with plans for the present and the future where they are not considered (interactions among Venus, Earth, Saturn and Mercury). Neither good nor bad, just a matter of considering we cannot start again un-drawing life we have woven or that has woven us.

2. The Encounter with Antiquity > Announced itself since last Solstice with The Open Seal and blowed the keys since New Moon (interactions among Mars, venus, Saturn and Pluto), but it also let us know that only for the Full Moon will it manifest. Pluto is on charge emanating towards the Earth, Mars and Saturn (in conjunction with Mercury), not only showing the keys but also finding for them a meaning in our lives which will be reflected or acting from the arcanes in antiquity.


Dispositions from the Earth

3. Captivating Situations > We are so fascinated with what we have in front of us that we didn’t even live it, we are looking at it as a film in which we are not. Venus and Mars join Juppiter and Lilith to keep us grounded and turn us from spectators to protagonists living our purposes.: what captivates us is what we were missing or what we deprived ourselves from. We can live it. Have no fear, we are allowed to do so.


4. Distorting Winds > We will need to make an effort so as not to loose the thread of reality, we already see appearances distorting reality on Earth, and now distorting winds as a result of intense interactions among Saturn, Mars and Uranus around Jupiter and Lilith. Besides, taking advantage of those distortiing winds, there will be others, forced, altered, tampered with, trying to appear as natural phenomena, but they will be so  ‘synthetic’ and ‘chemical’ that this time they will be brought to light reported by the Full Moon.



Full Moon Emanations

5. Fascinations and Denunciations > New Moon carried us up to to here so fascinated we lost touch with reality, which has not disappeared and is still living us although we decided to obviate it. During the Full Moon and for the next two weeks Fascinations will not cease either, they will even intensify but not only with what we have in front of us and make us spellbounded, facts that we usually tag as ‘bizarre’, ‘conspirations’ or ‘hearsay’ will come out to light, but this time they will be Denunciations leaving no space for doubt.

This will be the effect of Full Moon’s visit through the dwellings of Wasat (Geminorum | δ | Cancer 18°) , star from the Gemini constellation, useful to point to Polaris and Mintaka which reveal the celestial pole and the equator, but also lead us to the ECLIPTIC, the apparent journey of the Sun in our orbit looking from the Earth.

Wasat – Arab word meaning center, middle – is attributed usually with emanations not very fortunate: “chemicals, poisoning, malevolence, destruction as basic principle, pessimism. Also the power to speak with authority where others are waffling”.

However, that’s just one interpretation, changing according who is looking and from where. Wasat, in the arm of one of the twins for those who look at Gemini constellation,  referring to Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology, and that alone has many meanings, lots of history and thousands of interpretations. Some others among many: the wine jar in China; Meshlamtaea and Lugalirra in Babylon. The Puma Yunta (pair of cougars) for the Aymaras.

And the Puma Yunta may also have thousands of interpretations, besides who looks at it and where, depending on which dimension it appears: the open seal or arcane of antiquity in Wasat keeping the silence of ages and portals of our realities beyond this one; the seal of forgotten civilizations four eras ago;  vortex or portals intertwining life; space where temporary time unfolds; powers of transformatin and mutation; the alternance of life; the line dividing worlds; the line marking in which reality we are; the line distributing the territory; energy oscilations producing the movements that weave life; unseen realities surrounding the seen reality; the center of temporary power; the immense power and force of awaken magic; the keepers of life; the tunnel through which fluids go by; where the causes of effects dwell.

On Wasat specifically, the Aymaras have not spoken yet, but in the Puma Yunta, from the dimension of center (taypi), the space where causes of effects dwell (not as the center of everything and where everything comes from, but the center of each thing and existence), which is not visible and dwells in the darkness in relation to this reality, and at the same time, as the tunnel whereby worlds connect, is where we see the Moon, which on January 9 will be opposite to the Sun, as every Full Moon, receiving so much light from the major star that it will not be able to hide its darkness and causes that took to rather sordid manipulations will come to light.

Denunciations dazzle, but not enough to forget the gift form Solar Dispositions: Encounter with Antiquity, and there, also the center of things and existences connecting worlds becomes the Open Seal to remember who we are and where we come from, with lights on our memories darkness to chase the footrpints of our origins.

We will be back for the New Moon hoping it’s with our own antiquity.

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