English Luna Moon

Full Moon and Eclipse 25 May 2013 The Touch of Subtlety

During this eclipse we create a new timeline with our own touch of subtlety

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 23 | Día Solar: 348 | Día Lunar: 14 | Gregoriano: 23/V/2013


Versión en castellano 

Drawn in Heavens > The Arch

The Arch is still drawn, representing the thresholds of infinity and announcing that until next solstice portals to watch the infinite worlds we dwell in without chains are open.

Dispositions from the Solar Giants > The Triggering Event

Solar neighbors’ disposition emanate balance, prudence and considerations to take decisions as a team. Leaders and saviors abstain; individual brilliances will be gross.

Creativity is activated thanks to the triggering event which unleashed huge quantities of blocked energy, leaving space to recreate entire cosmos. And with triple forces from triple sources:

  • looking through the portals of infinity (see New Moon May 10);
  • a life giving triad creating a new timeline (Earth, Uranus, Mercury | Saturn, Venus, Neptune | Chiron, Jupiter, Saturn
  • a turbulent vortex (interaction among Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, Sun) that will manifest on Earth

Key: be conscious of the triggering event that does not only make us free, at the same time it brings a series of changes at the physical level intensifying with atmospheric events, and at the same time opening an infinite number of doors to visit other roads.


Dispositions seen from Earth > The Defense

The triggering event manifests on Earth specially on atmospheric changes.

The solar radiation storm unleashed on May 22, with an accelerated proton hailstorm reaching our planet these days and affecting the magnetic field of the Earth. (Source: Spaceweather).

Abrupt changes at the physical level will not be unsual, such as dizziness or other disruptions.

Add to this the definite NO to chains from last New Moon, which for the Full Moon transform in building walls for defense to counteract attacks (Sun, Neptune, Moon).

Make sure not to put all your life into avoiding attacks, it will be more productive to create life rather than walls (Neptune Saturn, Lilit). Macabre games will continue their embarrasing parade, those plots do deserve to be sealed with an ENOUGH.

The apparent encounter of Mercury with Venus makes us inclined to absorb airs that are not ours. Not everything we encounter is part of our road nor are we obliged to live them.

Key: Assume yourself as the surroundings’ resonance box, but with your own footprints and a drawn life agenda in the new timeline we are weaving during this eclipse.


Emanations from the Eclipse > The Touch of Subtlety

This penumbral eclipse does not return yet. It’s about to be born. With us, these days and our resonances.

Just like the eclipse on July 2011.

LE2013-05-25NIt unleashes 7º from Antares, with the Moon passing through the Earth penumbra and causing a subtle darkening on the Moon’s surface. The Moon will be visible during the event in the Americas and West Africa, although it’s so shallow it will impossible to detect. In this link you can watch the Moon’s path through the penumbra as well as geographic areas and visibility .

Moon’s contact times with Earth’s penumbra are listed below:

  • Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 03:53:11 UT
  • Greatest Eclipse: 04:10:00 UT
  • Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 04:26:56 UT

In unseen worlds, this eclipse unleashes a new timeline unfolding as the Touch of Subtlety.

No more than a touch. Invisible, imperceptible, untouchable. And in spite of its subtlety, it changes the look on things giving them essence.

Life will dwell in that timeline with a magical touch, a touch giving meaning to life, a beam of light out of our actions and brightening our footprints.

Subtlety is an existence innate quality or it’s existence itself, imperceptibly subtle and we live within. The Touch of Subtlety is existence slipping with its peculiarities… the magical touch we put on each step of our footprints.

This is the timeline of this eclipse, as subtle as magic.

May the subtlety of you touch unleash your magic!

 Note: Las Puchitankas will take a vacation starting with this eclipse and will fly again after next solstice. Thanks for supporting us.

 *Click on images to go to sources

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