English Moon

Full Moon 4 November 2017


Full Moon arrives, daughter of a peculiar New Moon, bursting on
times, phases, eclipses, disturbances, anomalies, fluctuations,
in three threads, spheres and shades. Variations of greater calibre.

Pluto commands the giants, dwarfs and artifacts, along with Chiron
and Jupiter strings the whole Solar System, plus its connected branches,
dimensions and geographies, bursting on with mutant procreations.

Joined by Mars and Earth, regenerations burst on mending damages
no one seems to care about. Increased oppositions are interrupted with
modified manuals alleviating tensions and obstinacies. Variations.

How variations come about on other spheres are not seen from Earth,
but we do see their manifestations by now too big to hide.
What supposedly was not, is already real, has realized, it’s reality.

Full Moon will burst on varying landscapes, contours and shapes. After
the Full Moon modifications will burst on. Until the next New Moon
regenerations burst on abandoned damages and they can finally heal.

The billboard of tides:

Solar Phase – Variations (7 NOV to 20 DEC aprox)
Eclipses Emanations – 2017: Neutralizing (7AUG) and Empowerment (21 AUG); 2018: Fusions (21 JAN) and Invisibilities (FEB 5)

Dispositions from the Giants (heliocentric) – Irruptions
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric) – Oppositions

Sensations – between certitude and uncertainty
Emotions – between tempered and out of control

Full Moon – 4 November 2017 05:23 UT