English Moon

Full Moon 20 October 2021

Arriving with the plenilune (20OCT 14:57) and wishing appeasement.

Counterattacks against attempts to regenerate Earth (see last New Moon) were and will be currents dragging along from heliocentric tides, they manifested already and will continue to do so around us through geocentric tides.

But for this plenilune, counterattacks collapsing will be more evident and we will see how they end up benefiting regeneration attempts… masks are already falling down and there are more lights on counterattacks purposes, children of purposelessness.

Insecurity sensations will abound, not due to real danger but rather because danger was not perceived when it was real, probably leading to take rather extreme measures; along with irascible emotions ready for combat when the battle is over and stepping into the void will mix spaces, fading away for instants material reality… instants of high emotional chemistry.

On stages, declared realities or by decree (Eclipse 19NOV2021) will not help much, maybe some new horizon from those deep groves impressing (Eclipse 04DEC2021).

In any case, during this plenilune is as relevant as ever to understand that tides come and go and we are not them, that their dance is just the music from the venue.

Great to have in hand those breathers on the air from sidereal lands! Giving away calm with jasmine auroras and smoked twilights with firewood of ‘some more please’. Appeasement.

We will be back soon.