English Luna Moon

Full Moon 2 Agust 2012 | Going Astray

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 3 | Día Solar: 42 | Día Lunar: 13 | Gregoriano: 30/VII/12



Special greetings for a new turn on the Wheel of LIfe already coming in, but the Full Moon will arrive first.

Here our greeting card for the New Solar Phase plus the processes we will be living in unseen worlds. Click on the image.

New Solar Phase > 7 August 2012 02:26UT

Drawn in Heavens > The Jumping Frog
Well, all frogs jump, but the one drawn in our heavens is with the legs ready to take a leap. On these territories, in February (Regeneration) as well as in August (Fecundation), frogs announce the arrival of humidity and rain, croaking all together when they are closer.

Frogs have several relations with unseen worlds; like fertility, abundance, its mediator role with other worlds and more. However, on cosmic movements right now and related to what’s drawn in heavens, it’s related to fluids the frog releases during the jump and which were used by prehispanic peoples to make other worlds visible.


Dispositions from Solar Giants > Going Astray

Since the New Moon we were making roads, announced by the Woodpecker drawn in heavens. Now with the frog about to jump in heavens reminding us of fluids unveiling close worlds, and solar dispositions (interactions among Jupiter with Mars, Jupiter with neptune, Pluto with Mars, Pluto with Mercury) announce that we will go astray and enter those worlds we did not see but were there. Adding tension to it the interaction between Mercury, Pluto and Uranus.

We do not produce this, it happens through cosmic emanations and our planet also receives these fluids allowing to see what until now was in unseen worlds, or around, but we did not see. Emanations during this phase tell us what we will have when we come back after going astray, you can see it Los Bosques card here.


Dispositions seen from Earth > Blinding Obsessions
We started the Lunar month avoiding realities and celestial bodies fenced us so we would look at realities, causing strong impacts that for the Full Moon will make us go astray.

All of us will go astray, although many will find waht they did not see (through the interactions among Mars, Chiron, Neptune, Moon and Sun) and then return to their roads (interactions among Pluto, Saturn, Lilit and Mercury).

However, some, with their Blinding Obsessions will continue avoiding, they will go astray but will not notice, many things will happen around them but they will miss them. These obsessions obsess obsession itself (interactions among Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Saturn with Uranus).


Emanations from the Full Moon > Disconcerted and Impressionable
Among going astray, obsessions and astonishment, the Full Moon will be at least disconcerted. And we have to add her own vulnerabilities easily affected even with the failed flight of the fly.

If Venus took away the Solstice, this Full Moon is taken away by the New Solar Phase. In the blink of an eye, she will be on a mantaray looking at the worlds we concealed from ourselves. The mantaray, unfairly discredited, like the frog, comes from very ancient worlds, walks through the new ones and carries among them.


Going astray to find what we did not see, some blinded with their own obsession and feeling disconcerted if not easily impressionable with the Full Moon. We will be back with the next Lunar Month

May you find your hidden worlds!


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