English Moon

Full Moon 06 January 2023

Full Moon’s tides will continue on the paths of the fantastic, be it worlds or creatures, taking us now to live a reverse temporality extending the season, enhancing games to simulate enlargements and unbeatable superwaves by order and grace of undergoing eclipses that recently returned.

…read feeling not thinking…

Past New Moon’s tides flashing the fantastic through sidereal airs, fitted in perfectly with festivities from the season, made of glitter, light and many emotions on the menu.

Tides from this Full Moon (06JAN 23:08), when festivities season is not closed yet, will blow winds to reverse on-going cycles expanding even more the season (heliocentric interactions of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Earth, Mercury).

Tides that will take us to continue living the season of festivities but in a different order. Situations are not prepared nor built, they are lived first. Orders in reverse, but not time still running its course (geocentric interactions of Uranus, Neptune, Sun, Mercury, Earth).

A temporality within the season messing up the order certainly wakes up resistance, rejection, protests, although they will be brief and will not have the force to change the course of events (geocentric tides of Chiron, Earth, Sun, Mercury).

Although sensations did not come out of lethargy due to the highly charged emotional season, needing to get back to reality will wake them up perceiving something is not right, slowing down on emotions that will continue partying.

We will be back soon.