Vivencias web

Follow Yourself!

About www.losbosques.netComing to think of it, Twitter somehow delivers exactly the opposite instructions I am delivering.

Twitter tells you (or implies) to follow others. I remind you to follow yourself!

So, does that mean I go against Twitter? Nooooo!

Thanks to Twitter I was able to meet wonderful people reaching out in the apparent coldness of the world and exchange great moments, besides getting valuable friends and useful information. And it will still be very helpful to many of us and probably still deliver unimaginable things to come.

But in order to receive all that with Twitter, inevitably I had to follow others and others had to follow me so we could get the juice out of it. Thing is once I started twitting, I delivered exactly the opposite instruction: Follow yourself!

Dorkhyt to remember 'who am I?'
Dorkhyt to remember 'who am I?'

This morning it was even in my daily #LivingtheUnseen tag: “It’s more than just following others, but above all following yourself!”

That’s all I post about in Los Bosques, twit about and even reach Facebook spheres to repeat it once and again, not to mention the Dorkhyts I make so others reactivate themselves and guidance to awaken reminiscences, writings within the privacy of my walls and walks, my journeys through unseen worlds, and all the breaths I take because that’s my path: “Follow yourself” for myself and for anyone who feels or digs it.

Why Follow Yourself? That’s how I’ve seen life flowing: following yourself in order to remember who you are beyond your circumstances, time and space, and building the road to achieve whatever you are here for.

How do you Follow Yourself? Reactivating the link to Yourself and not only to the person you are, just like going a couple of windows inside to get to the core.

Rueda de la Vida para el Ciclo Solar - Wheel of Life for Solar Cycle
Rueda de la Vida para el Ciclo Solar - Wheel of Life for Solar Cycle

You can even give yourself a DEMO – or as many as you like – of what it’s like to follow yourself choosing from these and those already in your mind:

  • make a link to things you like
  • use a live stream with Nature
  • chat with yourself even at work, no one will notice
  • make a click on your self images to see what you feel inside
  • download your dormant potentialities to apply them daily
  • pause your person to be Your Self
  • design a plugin to notify you each time you forget who you are
  • Google yourself on your inner search engine to remember your forgotten history, like this piece and this one
  • install a customized and exclusive operating system
  • Incubating Life
    Incubating Life

    update your skills to the latest forces emanating from you

  • synchronize to your cycles and build cyclical trends
  • create a data base with all data of your life and make pronostics as to where you are going
  • twitt with the unseen worlds where you dwell
  • skype yourself to check on your weather moods
  • build a life agenda and make your own decisions
  • share your achievements with joining parts of you
  • connect via broad band with the Cosmos and its movements giving you life
  • invite your diversity to social networks
  • build an oracle platform to connect with unseen worlds
  • make a podcast and listen to yourself frequently
  • turn your creations into applications for others and you’ll have your own independent work
  • Cruz Sagrada Andina www.losbosques.netsend SMS to yourself if you don’t now what to do
  • download the last ringtune of your vibrations
  • quick post each time you get one step closer to yourSelf
  • blog about all the feelings, sensations and perceptions in your unseen worlds
  • keep your records in as many files as you like
  • expand your forces with innovative self made gadgets
  • build the longest list of tags with your memories
  • upload videos into your inner YouTube for a never ending saga of tracing your roots

Follow Yourself! What for? To recover your life and your independence, similar to what WordPress did for me while creating my site; gave me the tools to do it myself and I was able to assume control over what I wanted. Following yourself is recovering your life and deciding where you want it to go.

Start Reactivating Your Self Now!Once you are all the way into Following Yourself it will be just like having an interactive touch screen where you just choose what you want to work in order to keep your life running.

And one day, doesn’t matter when, you will flow through life using your sensors, like playing Wii, on any world or in many at once and the person will be once again from YourSelf.

By the way, there is no need to worry about how many followers you got today, following yourself there will come a point when all parts of you integrate into your system.

What about the outside world? Navigating browsers will grasp your powerful vibrations, impregnating everywhere they go with a different flavour of life. Others will feel they want that too and you will be able to tell them: Follow Yourself! Its yours entirely. After all, it’s your own open source, comes incorporated and works only with your unique footprints once you reactivate yourself!

And in spite of opposite instructions, following yourself you’ll see your followers multiplying with a technique as great as being yourself!

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