English Luna Moon

April 9 Full Moon’s energies for you

Cycle 5 | Flight 20 | Solar Day: 292 | Lunar Day: 14 | Gregorian: IV/08/09

Territories of Nuestra Señora de La Paz, Bolivia, Southern Hemisphere

Greetings, we bring you energies arriving from outer space:

  • Predominant Energies: Actions aiming at transformation (consider the unexpected factor with Sudden Transformation)
  • Emanations flowing = South, Balance; North, Germination
  • Manifestations: South, what you achieved this year; North, what will prevail for this year
  • Unseen Worlds: Turbulent passage while things struggle to be
  • Attitudes: Tendencies to talk more than needed, burst with irate impulses and confusion on what it’s for us to assume

Further detail follows.


New Moon, Thursday, APril 9 14:56TU (Bolivia 10:56)

Remember how your Lunar Month started? It was March 26, New Moon. Now by mid-month with Full Moon, besides energies that intensify naturally, comes with  too much bla bla and carrying the ‘Sudden Transformation’ (see Solar Giants), already starting in some places.

Transforming thoughts the New Moon brought become Transformative Actions, for the South giving the final touch on the masterpiece and to the North expanding whatever can grow.


South: Sowing in the Kingdoms of Earth and anticipating Appeasement. Emanation: Equilibrium. On Transición al Próximo Ciclo Solar we are on the 2nd. Section Foresight. Have you already seen your efforts’ results this year?
Se also: To Synchronize to Balance

North: Sprouting on the Kingdoms of Air and anticipating Growth. Emanation: Germination. Have you already seen what will predominate in your life this year? Follow and grow with it.
See also: To Synchronize to Germination


In solar vecinities for the last two weeks life comes in groups in order to achieve something (marginating is not valid) and for the next two weeks, as it usually happens in groups struggling to be, everyone wants to add their grain of salt and everything does not fit in, so that’s the start of divisions, conflicts, giving up, difficult passages, but at the end something will come up for those who persevere.

From the unseen worlds: Transformating Womb from Saturn, Pluto and Uranus pressing key points to get us nearer to our destinies becomes the Sudden Transformation joining emanations from Chiron and Mercury. Note: do not confuse Sudden Transformation with Shift or Turn which subvert realities, this transformation introduces a powerful unexpected factor aimed at large groups.

Mars is still under the sedating effects of Neptune and Chiron to appease rage, which does not guarantee irate impulses to go on without considering consequences. Venus is still navigating together with Earth, at times forgetting it’s together but not jumbled and we take what is not for us. And since cosmic emanations reach all species and existences, this happens at all levels.


Dorkhyt brings you closer to your life purpose
Dorkhyt brings you closer to your life purpose

May You Feel the Unseen Worlds!

And as always we remind you there is guidance available to live the unseen  see this and also consider doing it by yourself with Dorkhyt


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