English Luna Moon

Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse: December 31st 2009

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 12 | Día Solar: 191 | Día Lunar: 13 | Gregoriano: 28/XII/09

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

This is an exciting flight for an exciting Full Moon:

December 31st, with Lunar Eclipse and waiting for you on the dance floor!

Remember to read feeling not thinking


Gigantes SolaresDrawn in Heavens: ‘The Two Views’

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.


Lunar Month Disposition: Re-activation of the Revitalizing Diamond

Emanations form Solar Giants for this Lunar month are like entering new places where to start different lives (not new ones) and we find meaning to efforts from past Moons preparing the ground:

Those emanations were already, but you can look for your synchronization reading and integrate them into your life. If you need guidance or have doubts, Los Bosques are here for you.

For the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse the Solar Giants disposed drastic changes on the menu so when the food is on the dish you’ll have two world visions; one will be your approch on the different life unfolding (Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron) and the other your transformation to live a different life (Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Pluto).

Not an easy walk, probably lots of tension to adjust your realities into these two visions, although a total challenge to feel life is about acting, and no matter how huge a task might look, finding your first step is already getting you right where you are planning to be.


Ciclo Solar

Southern Hemisphere:

Reproduction - Reproducción www.losbosques.netSolar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Reproduction, click on link or image on the left to synchronize.

Navigation: Kingdoms of Fire

Forces and Potencies: Heat balancing the Cold

Life Planning: Time has come to expand life we have received in order to keep expanding and we can reproduce in ourselves other life. All that I have achieved until now already has a life of its own and we have to let it follow its path, then we will have more room to create more life. Follow its own path means that in order to flow with life whatever I achieved needs to be reproduced in others, reach others, be from others.

Dorkhyt: Sinchronyze before starting any action and turn with the central hole looking for vital energy in life made.


Rebirth-Renacimiento www.losbosques.netNorthern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Rebirth, click on link or right image to synchronize.

Navigation: Kingdoms of Water

Forces and Potencies in Navigation: Cold balancing Heat

Life Planning: The New Cycle has started and during this phase I will gather everything I need to reach my goals during the year.

Dorkhyt: Syncrhonize turning with the central hole and enter your worlds


Ciclo Lunar

Southern Hemisphere: Long Days Moon | Vital Emanation: Expansion

Northern Hemisphere: Long Nights Moon | Vital Emanation: Start all over once more

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse December 31: For those still celebrating New Year with the Gregorian calendar, the night opens with a Full Moon dancing the creative you, the Lunar Eclipse playing the ‘Big Surprise Announcement’ and the two visions on center stage inviting to ‘Circulate in order to Regenerate Life’.

If you want to look behind the curtain into the eclipse, just remember it brings back the airs from 18 years ago and the last three times this eclipse came brought those of:

1991 December 21

1973 December 10

1955 November 29


Lunar Month

New: Wednesday, December 16, 12:02 UT (08:02 Bolivia)

Waxing: Thursday, December 24, 17:36 UT (13:36 Bolivia)

Full: Thursday, December 31, 19:13 UT (15:13 Bolivia) | Partial Lunar Elcipse, 19:23 TU (15:23 Bolivia) more astronomical information on the eclipse on this link

Waning: Thursday, January 7, 10:39 UT (06:39 Bolivia)

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory


May Your Two Visions Be Your Different Life!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas


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