English Luna Moon

Full Moon Nov 2 2009: Open Portals among Worlds

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 8 | Día Solar: 133 | Día Lunar: 14 | Gregoriano: 31/X/09

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

Full Greetings from Full Moon!

This time instead of beaks portals, instead of wings worlds and in our breath fear produced by alive ones and not the dead.

Solar Giants: The pitcher to irrigate the three active worlds and close the cycle before Waning Moon

Solar Cycle: Navigating Growth in the South and Appeasement to the North, we find open portals among worlds

Full Moon: Recognize and gather what’s yours


Gigantes SolaresDrawn in Heavens: The Pitcher

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.

Dispositions still active:


Lunar Month Disposition: Live Mutidimensionally and Revert Inequities

How are you living your multidimensionality? In those three worlds shown by Solar Giants (see Las Pichitankas last flight) events were unleashed with unusual acceleration and for Full Moon they accelerate even more until the conclusion of what we initiated during the New Moon, it’s like if the Lunar month ended here, like if the waning phase did not exist.

This multidimensional experience at cosmic, microcosmic and all levels, is announced by the pitcher irrigating persistently the worlds in such a way that what is about to be in its own rythm will accelerate to mature before its time. Also because this cycle cannot expand beyond this Lunar month, so it does not carry its intensities into the next one for its vibrations would distort flows. What happened here, stays here and forward we walk with irreversible results and no chance to look back.

Now what changes in each of the 3 worlds (if you do not remember them read Las Pichitankas last flight) and how to walk the Full Moon week (Nov 2-8) synchronizing to cosmic emanations that govern us and considering our role is that of the Earth, with music to call your worlds:

The Plain at the Mountain Side = Showing what to do in our territories opens a river in the middle of the plain with a current moving forward quickly irrigating on its way the new order of things, Earth, the warrior opens channels to her dwelling in order to feed her people.

Stone Man = Showing the ‘immutability’ of the glance towards ‘the substantial’ that almost always resides in unseen worlds shuts down the irate brain (Mars) and connects life flows (Pluto) with life’s essence that has her aqueous portal in the pineal gland (Mercuy and Venus) , and from there the Earth will receive her mandate to look into what was made ‘invisible’: that’s what needs to be closed in order to move forward.

Magical Mushroom = Showing the regenerating food to recuperate life already eaten half for the Full Moon, Pluto spilling the transforming water (coming from the pitcher) regenerates the mushroom and now we eat the other half, Earth opens portals as mouths to receive food for her people.

Open a channel so the cosmic river flows the new order of things, close invisible pending matters that become visible, open portals-mouths to receive the food that restitutes life is what we will do in the three worlds we are navigating. Each one of those co-habits with the other two. And now the Earth enters spaces where folds among worlds are thinner (see Solar Cycle down below), therefore potencies connecting worlds are more intense this time.

Also in last flight, we brought links to material on other worlds, dimensions, parallel universes, in case you did not approach the worlds of science getting closer to our multidimensionality ‘oficially’.


Ciclo Solar

November 7, 06:42 UT, the Earth on her navigation around the Sun initiated her new phase (4th in the South, 8th to the North), and in both hemispheres, the alchimia of this transformation moment makes folds among worlds thinner, opening portals among them. Cosmos working in perfect symphony throughout times, also chose this Solar Cycle that opens worlds to emanate ‘Living Multidimensionality’ (see Solar Giants above), intensifying this days.


Halloween Anxieties - www.losbosques.netThroughout times this moment is celebrated with different names and vests, according to each people, their emanations and impregnations, besides the ‘officialities’, like All Saints and All Soul’s Day which with special intensity have replaced thinner folds among worlds. Halloween is also there and/or Witches Night. All of them from the Northern Hemisphere. But, we will not talk about them here, we’ll link to Los Bosques sequence to navigate this section returning ourselves to our multidimensionality that already has two posts and more are coming:

Of Anxieties and Halloween (I)

Of Anxieties and Halloween: Broken Links (II)


Now emanations for each hemisphere on this Solar Cycle and music to synchronize with your worlds:

Southern Hemisphere:

Sincronícese al Crecimiento con click en la imagen - Synchronize to Growth clicking on the image

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Growth

Navigation: Kingdoms of Air

Forces and Potencies: Heat

Life Planning: Feed what we have created for our lives this year (since last June) which already are shaped and are fully manifested, with synchronization that expands beyond the Kingdoms of Earth and integrate with the Solar System, where the pitcher is irrigating life’s recovery (see Solar Giants in this flight). These are times for growth, for buds to become the maximum expression of their flower, until acquiring their own authority and capability to reproduce life from their own life.

Dorkhyt: Synchronize before initiating any action and request to remember how to flow with and in others. You may evocate, but not necessarily with Dorkhyt, you will do it as you flow with others.


Northern Hemisphere:

Para Sincronizarse al Aquietamiento click aquí

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Appeasement

Navigation: Kingdoms of Earth

Forces and Potencies: Dryness

Life Planning: In search of watching my origins I enter asking ‘where do I come from?’ on the 4th. Section for the Transition to Next Solar Cycle(with downloadable guide), which will last approximately 16 days, it’s time to go in search of ancestors to listen to what was left forgotten.

Dorkhyt: Synchronize turning with black holes until penetrating in your origins, once there evocate following your own paths.


Ciclo Lunar

Southern Hemisphere: Moon of the Encounter

Northern Hemisphere: Moon that speaks fromm the Origin

Channels in both hemispheres for Full Moon: Gather what’s yours


Lunar Month

New: Sunday, October 18, 05:33 UT (01:33 Bolivia)

Waxing: Monday, October 26 00:42 UT (Lunes, octubre 25 20:42 Bolivia)

Full: Monday, November 2 19:14 UT (15:14 Bolivia)

Waning: Monday, November 9 15:56 UT (11:56 Bolivia)

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory


And the Moon brought what we have not seen yet, what we had forgotten, so forgotten that we barely understand… the Full Moon will help us emanating like an echo ‘recognize what is yours’ and as soon as we do it we will feel the need to restitute that part of us which was left scattered in this or other worlds.

Synchronizing to that echo emanations from Solar Giants, this time in three worlds, and open portals among worlds in this Solar Cycle, during this Full Moon week (Nov 2-8) will live two weeks in one, there will happen everything concerning this Lunar month, and will close just before the Waning Moon (Nov 9 to 15).

This last week is like if it was not part of the Lunar month, do not go on living what until then surrounded you in the material world, cut those ties, close those chapters, and focus on ‘recognizing and recovering what is yours’, be it on this or other worlds.

Oráculos - Oracles | www.losbosques.netPortals among worlds are reducing densities and you can start crossing or letting them come into this one with greater intensity on these dates: Nov 4 to 10 (when the solar transformation of the planet occurs) for Nov 1 and 2 are dates of the Gregorian calendar not necessarily synchronized to natural movements.

In Oracles you will find options to glance into your worlds – Cross Portals –  if you already are running in search of them and cannot wait to experience it for yourself.


May your path find your portals and worlds to gather what is yours!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas


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