English Luna Moon

August 5/6 2009: Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Solar Transformation and Bolivia Dances

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 3 | Día Solar: 44 | Día Lunar: 13 | Gregoriano: 3/VIII/09

Las Pichitankas

¡Bolivian Greetings and handkerchiefs to the wind for the people’s feast is dancing!

“…and to think life is singing, it’s also struggle, it’s also pain…” plays a ballad with the falvour of earth.

Thereabouts life runs now, the Shifting alerady has drwan it, wrote it and sealed it, whomever does not ride those flows… will stay afaaaaar.

¡Sing guitars with overflown emotions from the Full Moon!

¡May the eclipse joy dance walking through the Joint Passage of Molting!

¡Drums play to receive the Restitution of Identities!

¡Break out cymbals for The Honorable Bolivia for She will dance us the Cueca of Restitution!

¡Crossed tapping everyone to receive the Solar alchemy!

South from Rebirth to Fecundation,

North from Reproduction to Regeneration.

Come in, come in the Offerings for Pachamama is dancing like only the Goddess of Fertility can do it!

And you,   ¡Receive dancing our greetings in these times and cycles of life for they will remain written in the legacy of the people for the times of times!

We are already others, we are life, we are the flavour of life, flavour of earth, flavour of struggle…

¡Jallalla Honorable Bolivia!

Fecundación Regeneración Triádica - Triadic Fecundation Regeneration

Ciclo Lunar

Full Moon, Thursday August 6, 00:55 UT (Wednesday August 5, 20:35 Bolivia)

Southern Hemisphere: Snow Moon; Vital Emanation: Walk once more

Northern Hemisphere: Abundance Moon; Vital Emanation: Multiplication

Channeling in both hemispheres: Overflowing emotions


Lunar Eclipse, Thursday August 6, 00:40 UT (Wednesday August 5 20:35 Bolivia)

Vital Emanation: Joint Passage to Molting

It will traverse the territories of the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. Its astronocal intensity is minor and it will not be visible to the naked eye, however its cosmic intensity will be as much as or stronger than July 22, which was the longest eclipse of the century, for this eclipse closes the Trilogy that Sun, Earth and Moon wrote in Thrity Days.

This eclipse is like the isolated event of a butterfly flappingin the other side of the world and in spite of it changing the course of the history of men, people, planet… even the decision to emit a breath belong to the weave of life that reaches everything and everyone… it’s the passage that take us to assume what we are individually only and as long as this defines with/in the rest… it’s the passage to be what we have become… walking towards molting, point of no rreturn for there’s no way to continue being what is no longer… likewise it’s not possible to be outside the weave of life…

The waves of this eclipse cause fragmentation, as if life would stop every three steps and each section remains truncated, only as if… sudden cuts interrupt the thread of the weave… at the same time between, during and after each section march synchronizations and confusion overwhelms… everything seems so complicated and it’s so simple, li when the snake molts its skin, dettaching little by little, until it emerges renovated and stregthened.

These the dates of the last 4 returns of this eclipse that probably will reactivate pending energies of those moments (these years will also be reference for next 3 eclipses):

  • 1937 November 18
  • 1955 November 29
  • 1973 December 10
  • 1991 December 21

More information on this eclipse at the NASA site.


Ciclo SolarSouthern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Fecundation

Navigation: Kingdoms of Water

Goddess of Fertility www.losbosques.netForces and Potencies: Cold and Humidity

Fecundación - Fecundation

Life Planning: Sowing the first actions that will lead us to the goals this year

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with cosmic breath in activation turns

Northern Hemisphere:

Regeneraciòn - Regeneration www.losbosques.netSolar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Regeneration

Navigation: Kingdoms of Fire

Forces and Potencies in Navigation: Heat and Dry

Life Planning: Reconsideration of what was done and adequate it to the times

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with cosmic breath in activation turns


Gigantes Solares

Drawn in heavens: Restitution of Identities

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the skies is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.


The Restitución de las Identidades (if you recently arrived or wish to remember click on link and search for Solar Giants) govern, determine and define us since New Moon, the eclipse of August 5/6 is not stronger, rather the restitution of the usurped gives color and shape to the Joint Passage of Molting, leading to reveal those other identities left invisible for a long time.

Now with the Full Moon they start to manifest the features of the Restitution of Identities. Trhough the territories of Bolivia, on August 2 we witnessed how indigenous originary peasants people received the Draft Law of Indigenous Autonomies which is part of the process to recuperate their self determination and restitute their identities. Look around you to see how this manifests in your territories.

Takethis to the personal level, look to see how your identities are restituting, which is your skin change and the new dimensions you are incorporating into your life. What is disposed in major spheres happens yes or yes, in case you do not realize of your Restitution of Identities, it means you are still vibrating with what is no longer and it does not allow you to see we already are others.

You will have a little help with the New Moon and the eclipse which will also channel three relations to accelerate restitution:

Saturn, Mars and Earth boost to struggle to be oneself ensuring that results are also beneficious for the rest, and with Uranus magical touch you will find three times what you expected for or maybe the unexpected will come in silver plate.

Saturn, Marts and Pluto boost for transformation, molting, change of skin and Mercury remember that it’s not enough to feel what you are now, rather it’s necessary to apply it. You decide how. It’s calling you to show your magic; you might know a lot, but if it’s not applied you are not what you say you are.

Saturn, Pluto and Uranus boost to not give up before the apparent confusion, to sustain the intention to be oneself, to let Restitution of Identities to reveal new bridges where you saw the precipice. Hold on tightly and venture to walk on air if it’s necessary for on the other side awaits molting, there we already are ourselves.

Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune navigate to the cosmic sea leaving a trail to concrete dreams, plans, wishes, to heal distorsions, stridencies, what no longer runs with the times, to show that even the inimaginable already is reality.

This section does not start nor end anything for the beginning came with the New Moon and now manifests until Restituting Identities.


May Your Restitution of Identities dance in your Breath!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas


Rueda del Recuerdo - Memory Wheel www.losbosques.netDorkhyt reactivador personal www.losbosques.netReactivation Wheel - Rueda de Reactivación

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